Page 5 of My Temptation
However, they didn’t do it alone.
Beth Sullivan, his half sister, was one of the main reasons they got the information they needed to take him down, but she sacrificed her safety to provide that and had been under Elite’s protection ever since.
More specifically, she was under Striker’s protection.
Right after I started, Max Skinner, who she’d implicated when she turned over evidence, was released from prison. He’d served time because of Beth's information, and suddenly, her safety became a top priority. Striker intended to be her protector as he had been for years, but Jax and Brody had different plans. Striker was their primary tracker, and they needed him to do what he did best in order to locate Skinner before he found Beth, but he couldn’t do that and protect her at the same time, so I was assigned to be her protection. Within hours of learning of Skinner’s release from prison, I moved into her apartment and started the job that could make or break my career with Elite Securities. Not to mention Striker’s opinion of me. He didn’t like me when I was hired, and his opinion hadn’t changed. Keeping Beth safe could prove to him that I’m not a threat to his team but an asset, and I wasn’t willing to do anything to sacrifice that.
But ignoring my father wasn’t an option either. He had a lot of reach, and I had no doubt that reach extended to Elite.
“I can take her with me. It might be a good time to get her out of the state. Skinner’s parole demands he stay in North Carolina.”
Jax hummed. “That actually might be helpful. Striker’s had a hard time focusing, and if we’re going to figure out what the fuck Skinner’s up to, we need Striker’s head in the game.” I waited, assuming he wasn’t done talking. “When do you leave?”
“Today, probably within an hour or two.”
“I’ll need daily updates while you’re gone. As far as you’re concerned, Beth is as much a target in DC as she is here, so don’t let your guard down.”
“Consider it done,” I promised.
He exhaled heavily before continuing. “There a reason you’re still jumping when he issues an order?”
I considered his question but didn’t need to analyze how he knew I would see my father. Much like the man who raised me, Jax Dimarco seemed to know a lot of people and my history without asking me for more than my name. But for some reason, my personal information felt safer in Jax’s hands than it did in my own father’s.
“He’s a powerful man, Jax, you know that. He’ll find a way to get exactly what he wants, and right now, he wants me in his office.”
“People only have the control over us that we give them. When you’re ready to take back your control, we’ll be right behind you.”
A warmth washed over me at the thought of someone being on my side. I’d felt alone for years while I was in the FBI. The only person who ever had my back during that time was Nick while we were on assignment, but that was his job. We needed to protect each other in order to survive.
“As my boss?” For some reason, I really needed to hear his reply.
“As your family,” he answered immediately. “We protect our own in this town, and the day you signed on with us, you became part of the family. Every man and woman in our agency will protect you.”
I chuckled softly. “Even Striker?”
He grunted. “Striker growls a lot, but when push comes to shove, he’ll stand beside you while you take back your power. You two have more in common than you realize, and once he lets go of his past, he’ll see that.”
“You think Beth can help with that?”
It was obvious by the way Striker had protected Beth for years that his feelings for her went well beyond his duty, but as far as I knew, he’d never admitted it to anyone. However, now that I lived with her, I was getting a front-row seat, and neither Beth nor Striker was very good at hiding their feelings for each other.
“I think we’re about to find out.” He said exactly what I’d been feeling while watching them dance around each other. “Text me when you get to DC.”
“Will do,” I replied and dropped the phone onto my lap, but only for a second before standing and making my way to the door.
We needed to get moving, and I had no idea how long Beth would take to pack.
Walking into the kitchen, I saw that she was sitting at the counter, tapping away on the keyboard of her laptop. “We’re going on a trip.”
I wasn’t surprised when her head snapped up. “A trip?”
“Yeah.” I turned and poured myself a cup of coffee from the pot before grabbing the milk from the refrigerator and adding some. “I need to go to DC to see my father. I talked with Jax this morning, and he feels it would be good to get you out of town for a few days.” I blew on my coffee but watched Beth closely for her reaction. “What do you think?”
She appeared hesitant, which I’d expected. “I don’t know, but if everyone thinks it’s best, I guess it’s a good idea.”
I blew on my coffee once more before taking a small sip and placing the cup on the counter. “Have you ever been to Washington?”
“No,” she admitted. “I’ve never been out of North Carolina.”