Page 57 of My Temptation
With my back against the headboard, I stared at the screen in front of me.
I still couldn’t believe what I was looking at.
The door to the hotel room pushed open, and anticipation filled me. Ethan and I hadn’t spoken about what happened when we were dancing last night. Instead, when we got back to the room, I blabbered endlessly about the party we were invited to and the odds of Kevin Samson being there. Then we texted Brody, and he and Kyle called us. We explained what had happened and asked Kyle to find us a hotel room so we could at least have something for next weekend in case we needed to stay.
After the call, I announced I was exhausted, changed my clothes, and crawled into bed. Ethan was on the balcony when I eventually fell asleep, and the bed was just as empty when I woke this morning. I assumed he needed some time to himself, something neither of us had very often, so I didn’t text him. Instead, I decided to spend more time digging around on my laptop.
Lifting my head, I watched Ethan walk into the room and smiled when he finally glanced in my direction. Ethan studied me suspiciously before he dropped the two bags carrying take-out food onto the dresser and turned to face me.
Tilting his head to the side, he lifted his eyebrows. “Why the smile?”
“I found something.”
He took a few steps toward me. “On Samson?”
I nodded, and my smile grew. “Yep.”
He came to stand next to the bed, and I pointed at the screen, but when he leaned down, I scooted over. “Sit.”
He slid onto the bed next to me with one leg hanging over the side and his foot on the floor. We both leaned in closer to the screen, but he only shrugged. “You found a picture of Samson?”
I stared at the side of his face until he looked at me. “Yes.”
“I’m missing something.”
I smiled. “Do you know who the man beside him is?”
He looked at me and then the screen. “No, do you?”
“That’s Beth’s father.” I paused and then corrected myself. “That’s Beth and Daniel Sullivan’s father, Martin Sullivan.”
Ethan’s eyes shot back to the screen. “They knew each other?”
“It appears so.”
“Beth never mentioned it.”
“I doubt she knew. But isn’t it interesting that Samson was in a picture with Martin Sullivan?” I paused and glanced at Ethan. “Samson looks like he’s maybe in his early twenties.”
“How the hell did they know each other?” Ethan wondered aloud.
I smirked. “That’s what we need to find out, but I have my suspicions.”
He gestured toward the screen. “What are you thinking?”
“Beth was the result of Martin Sullivan having an affair. It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to believe he had more than one mistress.”
“I wouldn’t put it past him.” Ethan shook his head, obviously in disbelief. “We need to call this in.”
“I agree,” I acknowledged before leaning my body across the front of his. Glancing up, I met his stare. “Sorry, just getting my phone.”
I shifted my attention from his and grabbed my phone from the end table, barely holding back the smile. I loved getting close to him, not only because I wanted to be close to him but because of his reaction. I knew he felt the chemistry between us, and he had an awful poker face, so he couldn’t hide his interest.
I leaned back against the headboard again but kept my thigh pressed against the side of his while I pulled up Kyle’s name in my phone. I hit the call button and speaker before holding it up between us.