Page 20 of Necessary Evil
Travis took her elbow and stepped in closer. “Easy.”
Lucy raised an eyebrow. She still had phantom Evan kisses on her mind. Besides, it was weird that Travis was now in her personal space after having blown her off before.
“Don’t look now, but one of McKinley’s stooges is watching us.” Travis winked at her and pointed down the street. “You might want to request to see the feed from the street camera over there.”
“Why on earth would I want to see that? We both know who did this. I’m going to put a pound of shrimp under the seat of his car and let it fester over the weekend.”
“Please don’t tell me things like that,” Travis said, and then made a grand gesture of turning her in the other direction and pointing.
“What are you doing?”
“McKinley’s stooge just took off in a run, no doubt telling the rest of them that I just pointed out the camera that might have caught the perp at an angle they didn’t consider. You put in the paperwork for that camera.”
Lucy turned back around and leaned a hip on her car. “I appreciate what you’re doing, but I’m not going to file a report. It would just escalate things. I know how these guys work.”
He shrugged. Then, after a moment, he said, “I thought about your offer.”
“The one you blew off earlier?” Lucy cocked an eyebrow at him.
He laughed self-consciously. “Yeah, you weren’t the only one preoccupied before. Sorry about that.”
“I’m used to it.”
“Aren’t you Evil’s woman?”
“What century are you from?” Lucy said. “I’m not his girlfriend. We’re friends without any benefits.”
“In that case, do you want to go out Friday night?” Travis asked. “I wanted to run a few things by you.”
“Depends.” Lucy wasn’t about to make this easy. “Where are we going? And is this a business meeting?”
“Carciofo at nine. And it doesn’t have to be.”
Lucy was impressed in spite of herself. “You need reservations a month in advance for that place.”
“My cousin owns it.” He flashed a challenging smile.
His smile didn’t light her up like a Christmas tree the way Evan’s did, but maybe Travis was more her speed anyway. “Nepotism. I like it.”
“Can I pick you up?” he asked.
“I’ll meet you there.” That way if the night crashed and burned like most of her dates did, she could take off.
“What the fuck is going on?” Evan stormed up.
Travis arched an eyebrow at her. Lucy shook her head. “My taillight got busted.”
But the way Evan was glaring at Travis, she wondered if that was what he meant.
“I’ll see you Friday,” Travis said, and got back in his truck. “Evil.” He nodded an acknowledgment.
Evan shot him a filthy look and then ignored him when Travis pulled out of the parking lot with a mocking wave.
“It’s nothing.” Lucy made a dismissive gesture. “I’m sorry Finn bothered you.”
“This is bullshit,” Evan said.