Page 55 of Necessary Evil
“Can you call me a tow truck? Take it to Villiers Garage?”
Lucy was expecting Evan or one of the SOBs to pull up, but they never did. Evan’s number was programmed into her phone, and when one of the policemen gave her back her things she was going to call him.
But then Travis Munson arrived and flashed his badge around.
“Can you take me home?” she asked before he could say a word.
“Of course.” He gave her his jacket and led her back to his car.
“How did you find out about this?” she asked.
“I have a police scanner and I heard the call come through. They ran your plate and when it came back with your name I got into the car.”
Lucy wondered if someone in The Blue Line had heard it also. Did Evan know, or was he still downstairs at the bar confronting the Pyros? She took out her phone and checked for messages. Nothing. She texted him: I’m all right. Pyros threw a flaming bottle at my car. She really couldn’t call it a Molotov cocktail. From what the fireman had said, there hadn’t been enough accelerant in it, like gasoline or diesel, to be a true bomb.
“Who are you texting?”
“Evan,” she said. “We’re dating now.”
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” Travis asked.
“I did,” she said wryly.
“Are the Sentinels of Babylon feuding with the Pyros?”
“I told you it’s not like that. It’s just the four of them. They’re not a motorcycle gang.” They just eat at a motorcycle club diner and get into fights with other clubs. Lucy ran a hand through her still-damp hair. Less than two hours ago she had been in Evan’s shower hoping for round two. “I don’t know.”
“You’ve never seen anything?”
She remembered the fight at Mickey Flynn’s, but she didn’t know if it was the same guys. “I don’t know.”
Travis pulled into her apartment complex. She didn’t even bother to ask him how he knew where she lived. “We got off to a bad start the other night,” he said.
Lucy snorted. “You think?”
He helped her out of the car. “But I don’t want to see anything happen to you.”
“That makes two of us.”
“Is there anyone I can call for you? To stay with you tonight?”
She thought briefly of her brother, and then shook her head. “I’ll be all right.”
“You were smart not to go home. Next time go to the police station.”
“I was trying to figure out what to do,” she said. “But then they threw the bottle.”
“I’m sure the police will be making arrests shortly. You might have to come down and identify them.” He walked her up to her door.
Lucy shook her head. “I didn’t see anything but their colors. The guy who threw the bottle was wearing a demon mask.”
“Do you want me to come in?” he asked. “No funny business. Just to stay.”
“No, but thanks.” She took off his jacket and handed it back to him. “I really appreciate your being there tonight.” Unlike Evan. Ugh, was she doomed to always compare the two of them?
“Do you have a pistol?” he asked.
“No.” She didn’t even play violent video games.