Page 74 of Necessary Evil
Chapter 17
Lucy’s throat was on fire. Her neck ached and she was sore all over. She was dimly aware of raised voices and then being lifted up into a strong pair of arms.
“She’ll be fine in a minute,” Ryder said.
“Stay away from her,” Evan growled. Lucy cuddled into him. He had her. She was safe. Where was Sentinel, though? She tried to raise her head, but it was too much effort. And she was so damned tired.
“Should I call an ambulance?” That was Warden.
“I didn’t strangle her,” Ryder huffed out in aggravation. “I just cut off the blood flow to her brain.”
Oh, is that all? Bitch, if I could open my eyes you’d be…glared at.
Evan carried her up the stairs. She let him. It was too much effort to move. “I’m okay,” she mumbled.
“Rest. It’s a shit storm out there, but you don’t have to be a part of it.” He laid her down on the bed and kissed her forehead.
“I’m fine.” It was too much effort to open her eyes. His bed was warm and comfortable, and best of all, it smelled like him.
“I know. Ryder knew what she was doing. If she’d wanted to hurt you, you’d be in an ambulance right now.”
“No warm fuzzies.” It was too much effort to even scowl.
“I know. I’m sorry. My friends are all sorts of fucked up. If it means anything, you’ve bonded with them now. They’re probably going to knock off the bullshit after this.”
Oh, great. And all it took was getting choked by a Ronda Rousey wannabe.
“You were never in any danger. She just wanted to keep you off Sentinel.”
“Bastard,” she muttered.
“He’s got a reckoning coming for putting his hands on you. Ryder too. Don’t worry.”
“Not worried.” She yawned. It felt as though all of the emotion and stress of the past week had just hit her all at once.
“I’ll protect you. You know that, right? I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
It was too much effort to nod, so she just breathed out, “Mmm-hmmm.”
Evan smoothed his hand over her hair. That felt nice. When he slid his hand over her cheek, she turned her face and kissed his palm. His brows were furrowed and she reached up to smooth the angry lines.
“You shouldn’t be involved with me. I’m not the right guy for you.”
Pain stabbed her in the heart. She’d rather be choked by Ryder again than hear shit like that. Fine, she thought. Fuck the SOBs and this son of a bitch in particular. Lucy pushed herself to a sitting position. She needed to get back to the office anyway.
Evil tapped her supporting arm, which gave out, and she slumped back to the pillow. “I should go.” She tried to glare up at him, but it was too much effort.
“But I’m not letting you go. Ever. I just feel sorry for your dumb ass for getting involved with a guy like me.” He gave her a quick, hard kiss on the mouth. “Rest up. I’ve got plans for you tonight.”
Plans sounded good. As long as they didn’t involve the rest of his asshole friends. “Alone?”
He brushed his lips across her forehead once more, and she felt the tingle down to her toes.
“Just the two of us,” he whispered.
It couldn’t hurt to take a long lunch. The world wouldn’t end if she had a brief nap. Her eyelids fluttered closed.
“I’m going to stay right here, just to make sure you’re all right after that choke hold.” This time his kiss was feather soft on her lips.