Page 10 of Sentinel's Kiss
Chapter 3
Sentinel and his crew, the Sentinels of Babylon, or SOBs as they referred to themselves, were in the boardroom listening to the Judge’s latest list of people who needed their extreme form of justice. They had a rapist who was let off with three months’ community service because the asshole judge thought it would ruin his life to do jail time. Of course, the woman whose life he had ruined didn’t even get considered. The Judge had two conditions. One, this hit was a priority, and two, Ryder couldn’t do it.
“I can make it look like an accident,” Ryder protested. “Ripped apart by wild dogs is a thing. There are bands of wandering coyotes around.”
Evil shook his head and exchanged a grin with Sentinel. “Why don’t you just drop a grenade down his pants? It would be more subtle.”
Evil had promised his wife that he wouldn’t be the triggerman anymore, but he didn’t shirk away from any meeting or responsibility. The SOBs had been a team since they were children. That wouldn’t stop now, even if Evil was pussy-whipped.
“I’ve got this,” Warden said. “Let’s just say he’s going to get mugged.”
“I don’t want any witnesses,” the Judge warned. His voice was modulated through the speakers and Josh always thought he sounded like the great and powerful Oz behind the curtain. “Make sure his body is found days later, far from home.”
“Not a problem,” Warden said.
Next on the list was a child abuser who’d put his kid in the hospital with three broken ribs and tried to light his ex-wife on fire. This gem of society had managed to talk his way out of jail time with anger management courses and supervised visits. He had already claimed that the restraining order his ex had taken out on him wouldn’t stop him from seeing his kids whenever he wanted.
“I suppose you want me off this one too,” Ryder sighed.
“No. Take this guy to church,” the Judge said. “And if you can do it in heels and a dress, even better.”
“I don’t need to know about your fetishes,” Ryder said.
“I meant beat him to death. Let him die knowing a woman beat him.”
That was a little dark, even for the Judge. That was more Ryder’s line.
“You got it,” she said thoughtfully.
The next scumbag would by default be Sentinel’s.
“This next one’s a little controversial. I’ll understand if you want to pass on it.”
“What is it?” Sentinel asked.
“One of the Pyros has decided turning state’s evidence is a really lucrative deal.”
Evil scowled. The Pyros were a one-percent motorcycle club that had gone after Lucy the previous year, and forced pacifism or not, Evil still held a grudge.
“As you can imagine, the Pyros aren’t too happy that this little twerp is singing like a canary, so they hired some outside talent to take him out.”
Ryder perked up in her chair.
“The hit man is former military. He’s a sniper and he’s been doing jobs all over Europe. He’s taking this job for a shit-ton of money, but more importantly he’s doing it as a favor for a local mafia don.”
“So let me get this straight,” Sentinel said, grinning. “You want me to test my skills against another sniper.”
“I don’t care how you take him out, as long as you do it before he kills our snitch.”
“And in doing so, I’ll piss off the Pyros.” Sentinel counted off on his fingers. “Take out a world-class hit man. Inconvenience the mafia.”
“Yeah, that’s about the gist of it.”
“Score!” Sentinel said, high-fiving Ryder.
“I do so like your enthusiasm. Until next time.” The Judge hung up.
“You still don’t have any idea who the Judge is?” Evil asked Ryder.