Page 100 of Sentinel's Kiss
Chapter 24
After they were cleared by the EMTs, they were allowed to change into the dry clothes Ryder had brought for them. Travis Munson was on the warpath, but Ryder was in his face about what had happened. She told him she had a camera installed at Ashley’s apartment.
“Did you know about that, Ms. Carver?”
“Y-yes,” she said, even though she hadn’t. But if Ryder hadn’t done that, she’d be at the bottom of the lake right now. So she would lie to the cops.
“And I’m supposed to believe that you immediately called us as soon as you saw her taken?” He whirled back to Ryder.
“Why would I delay?” Ryder shrugged. “Sentinel immediately took off and I grabbed some clothes and towels just in case.”
Munson turned to him. “Let me hear your side of the story, again.”
Another bike pulled up.
“This is a fucking crime scene,” Munson bellowed.
Evil uncoiled from his motorcycle and Lucy popped off behind him. “Are you questioning my client without my presence?” she asked.
“You’re lawyering up?” Munson arched an eyebrow at Josh.
“Did you see me make a phone call?” Josh raised his arms to show he didn’t have anything but the clothes on his back.
Lucy ran over to Sentinel and hugged him. “I’m all right,” he grumbled.
Then she hugged Ashley too. “You must have been so scared,” Lucy said.
Ashley nodded. “I want to go home. To my parents.” She wasn’t sure what the hell she was going to say to them when she showed up at their door at the crack of dawn, but she was not going back to that apartment. Not ever again.
“Come back to my place,” Sentinel said.
She shook her head. No, there were too many things she needed to sort out in her own head.
Ryder tossed her keys to Sentinel and turned to Ashley. “Travis and I will take you.”
“We will?” Munson turned to her.
“They’re not going anywhere else tonight aside from bed. Sentinel’s a fucking war hero. He drove his bike into the lake to save Ashley from a serial killer, who died in a murder-suicide attempt. You want to question him some more? Do it after we’ve all gotten some sleep. You’ve got an open-and-shut case and the only reason you’re poking around is because you’ve got a hard-on for me and my friends.”
“Well, maybe not all of us,” Evil said.
“Don’t tell me my job, Ms. Brooks.”
“You only call me Ms. Brooks when you’re pissed that I’m right. Let’s go. You’re not a homicide detective. This isn’t your case. You’re here because I called you. It was a courtesy. No one here is a cop. Nor is a cop involved in this. So Infernal Affairs…”
Munson glared at her deliberate slur on his department.
“…has no authority here. The lead detective has already told me we’re all free to go. Now I’m telling you we’re leaving.”
Evil made a whipping noise.
“Not helping,” Ryder said, glaring at him.
“You’re right.” Munson threw his hands up in disgust and stalked off to the car.
Ashley wasn’t sure if she should cheer or cower.
Ryder gave Sentinel a hug. “You’re a madman.”
“There’s one big hole,” Ashley said in a whisper. “Stan tossed a file Munson gave me on you guys in one of the trash cans.”
Ryder exchanged looks with Evil. “I’ll handle it,” Evil said.
She nodded. “Okay, Ashley, let’s get you home.”
Ashley flinched when Sentinel got up from the park bench he was sitting on. He stopped and sat back down. “I’ll call you.”
“Yeah.” Ashley could barely keep her eyes open. Ryder slung an arm around her and helped her to the car.