Page 105 of Sentinel's Kiss
“You sure you know what you’re getting into?”
“You sure you do?” she snapped back. “I’m an adrenaline freak. I like danger. I live for shit like this, and if you don’t put that cock back in me, I’m going to tear your hair out.”
He chuckled and thrust deep.
“Yes,” she hissed. “Harder. Faster.” Ashley was so keyed up, she felt like growling like an animal.
“Like this?” He held her hips and crushed her back into the wall as his hips jackhammered inside her.
“Yes!” she screamed, and it echoed off the walls.
It was white-hot, sheer pleasure made better by the sounds of the garage all around them. As they panted heavily into each other’s ears, people were getting in and out of their cars and driving around. They could be caught at any moment.
“Coming,” she squealed, and clamped down on him as her orgasm threatened to shake her apart.
“Mine,” he roared, and quickly followed. He kissed all over her face and helped her back into her clothes. She felt boneless and clung to the cement column as he put her shoe back on.
“We’ve got a slight problem,” he said against her mouth as he fixed his clothes.
“Mmm?” Ashley couldn’t think of a thing wrong in the world.
“I didn’t use a condom.”
She blinked at him.
He frowned in concern. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think. I wasn’t thinking. All that was in my mind was drilling you into that wall. I didn’t even have anything on me.”
She took a deep breath. “I guess it’s a good thing we’re getting married.” She blew out the breath she was holding. “You know, just in case.”
He swept her off her feet, hugging her and twirling her in a circle.