Page 30 of Sentinel's Kiss
“Shut up!” Ashley straightened in her seat. Josh’s hand fell away. She felt a twinge of regret, but this was too juicy to ignore.
At Josh’s raised eyebrow, she said, “Turn around. I need to go back to the Suffolk County police station.”
“Why?” he asked.
“I’ll explain later.” She went back to her phone call, while Josh switched lanes to get off at the next exit. “So what happened?”
“It was a car crash, but his brakes had been cut.”
Ashley whistled. “Anybody else caught in the crash?”
“No, but the security cameras caught a woman on camera and she’s in custody now.”
Ashley fiddled in her purse for a pen and notebook. “What’s her name?”
“Ryder Brooks.”
“Ryder Brooks? I went to school with her.”
“What about Ryder?” Sentinel said.
“Later,” she mouthed at him. “The Ryder I knew wouldn’t cut a guy’s brake lines. Do you think Bryce raped her too?”
“What the fuck is going on?” Josh roared.
She winced and held a finger in her ear to hear what her producer was saying. “I don’t know. That’s for you to find out. She’s being questioned now at the station. I want you and Harry set up for when she comes out.”
“I’m on it.” Ashley hung up the phone. “Whoa, speed demon, keep it under eighty. I don’t want to get stopped.”
“What’s going on?” he snapped.
She could freeze with all that cold emanating from him. “There’s been a murder.”
“Ryder is a friend of mine. She’s one of the Sentinels of Babylon.” He tapped his jacket.
“Oh,” she said, blinking. “I’m sorry. She’s being interrogated about a murder.”
Josh shook his head. “That’s impossible.”
“Yeah, that’s what I said. I went to prep school and college with her.”
“You did?”
“I’m sure it’s a big misunderstanding.”
“You got that right.”
Sentinel parked the Jeep and pulled out his phone while Ashley set up with her cameraman outside the police station. Warden answered the phone on the first ring.
“I thought you were going to Pennsylvania.”
“I thought you were going to take care of the Judge’s preferential job,” Sentinel growled.
“Your evening just freed up because he’s already dead. Someone cut his brake lines.”