Page 67 of Sentinel's Kiss
Chapter 15
Ashley had an early morning appointment with Detective Travis Munson, so she left Josh snoring into his pillow after a good-morning quickie and a chocolate doughnut. Ashley took a taxi to Munson’s office because her car was still parked at her apartment. On the way there, she realized he had never told her where he went last night. She texted him.
Where were you last night?
Hopefully when he got up, he’d assure her that there had just been something at the bar he needed to handle. Bar owners kept late hours. Maybe he had to bring more money for change or something.
Munson escorted her from the reception area, back through several offices to his desk. Ashley couldn’t help noticing the glares he got, but the detective seemed oblivious. He was a handsome man in his late thirties with short black hair and piercing brown eyes. He offered her a cup of coffee and then sent his secretary to get it for him.
One of those guys.
After a bit of small talk, Munson got down to business. “I saw your interview with Stan Stevens and Josh Lehmen. Very interesting stuff, especially how those three other murders seem to be in the same style as Sarah Stevens. Good detective work.”
“Thank you. I think it all centers around the Poconos Hunting Club. We were just there doing an interview with Peter Reynolds. I have a show airing tomorrow about it. I think you’ll find some very interesting tidbits there. I’ve already informed the local police about a possible prostitution ring they have in their nursing facility.” Ashley shrugged. “We couldn’t go on the air with that, but I want to be as helpful as I can. It’s always bothered me that Sarah’s killer has never been caught.”
“It’s not a cold case,” Munson said. “One of these days, we’ll find the thread that will unravel what happened.”
“I hope so, for her family’s sake.”
“How well do you know Josh Lehmen?”
“We’re dating,” she said, bracing for his reaction.
He frowned. “I would appreciate it if anything that’s said in this office doesn’t get back to him. Do I have your word as a journalist?”
“Of course,” Ashley said frostily. “I protect my sources and you can be considered a source, provided you give me some information on this vigilante problem I haven’t heard about.”
Munson tossed her a thick file.
“Paper?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Computers can be hacked. So you’re familiar with the Sentinels of Babylon?”
Ashley smirked. “You mean Josh’s friends?”
“Mr. Lehmen has a lot of friends. Most of them women.”
“Not anymore.” Ashley flipped through the file. “We’re exclusive.” It had a dossier on Warden, Evil, Josh, and Ryder. “Wait, you think the SOBs are vigilantes?”
“I’ll let you make that decision. I don’t have enough evidence to make an arrest or even to get another search warrant.”
“Another?” she asked.
“Last year, we raided the Blue Line looking for stolen OxyContin.”
“And you came up empty, I gather.”
Munson sighed and changed the subject. “All of them have borderline personality disorders.”
“Are you a medical doctor?”
“I’m a cop. I know a sociopath when I see one. Speaking off the record?”
She rolled her eyes and nodded.
“The SOBs are on the fringe. They’re walking a very narrow line between obtaining justice for the victims and becoming what they are trying to eradicate.”
“Proof?” she asked, waving the file.