Page 85 of Sentinel's Kiss
“They’ve got this white knight complex. Always did ever since they were kids. They were all about vengeance. Josh is unhinged over his sister. He’ll kill anyone he thinks could even be remotely responsible, and his asshole friends will do anything he asks.”
She chewed on a french fry and considered his words. If he ever hooked up with Munson, they could do some real damage to Josh and his friends. She didn’t see the SOBs as murderers or arsonists. Only psychopaths burned down buildings with people inside them, even for revenge. Besides, Josh had been with her the entire time.
“I can’t see it,” she said.
“You’re lucky,” Stan said. “When those sons of bitches decide they don’t like you, they have ways of making your life hell. And if they decide you’ve crossed a line…” He drew his finger across his throat.
Ashley had read through Munson’s files. They weren’t angels by any stretch of the imagination, but she thought Stan was being melodramatic about some youthful indiscretions. If the SOBs were as bad as Stan said, they wouldn’t have chosen the professions they did. Cop, prison guard, soldier, and government agent.
“Who do you think killed Sarah?” she asked.
He stared at his plate. “I thought it was a random act. Until you came to me with the other murders. Now I think there is a vigilante on the loose.”
Again with the vigilantes. She wondered if Stan had been talking with Munson after all.
“Why would he kill the wives and unborn children of members from your hunting club?”
Stan tapped his fingers on the table. “There were rumors about the hunting club. Dina can tell you more. Or one of the other nurses. Anything you wanted was included with a premium membership. I couldn’t afford one, but I hung around with some of the guys who did.”
“Guys like Yost, Donovan, and Jones?” she asked, naming the husbands of the three other murdered women.
“Yeah. It was said that they had more exotic tastes. Illegal tastes.”
“Underage?” That would be a terrible story to have to report on.
He shrugged. “I don’t know. But it could be something that would drive someone to hurt them in the cruelest way. I think my Sarah got caught up in the vengeance.”
Ashley thought about it while she finished her burger. “So you’re saying that there’s someone killing wives of members of the Poconos Hunting Club for vengeance over something or another. How are the SOBs involved with this again?”
“They want Sarah’s killer and they do not care who gets hurt in the process.”
“Maybe it’s a member of the hunting club, getting revenge for some of the hazing.”
Stan sneered. “Adolescent idiots. I saw your interview with Reynolds. It wasn’t as bad as you made it sound. But I guess that’s what makes a good story.”
Ashley called up the final report on the log cabin. “There were eleven bodies inside the infirmary. When I was there, there was only one nurse on duty. Who were the other ten people?”
“How should I know?” he said defensively.
“That’s not what I meant. Why were there so many people there overnight?”
“Bad chili?” He shrugged. “Ask Dina. And ask her about those exotic parties. I think you’ll find a trail that can lead you or the police to the killer.”
“You told them all of this?” she asked.
“When they would listen. They think I’m paranoid and delusional.” He finished his coffee. “I suspect this is the last time we’ll see each other, but if I think of anything else I’ll be in touch.” He got up from the table. “Just be careful about Sentinel. He’s a bad egg. He’s a liar, a cheat, and a womanizer. A nice girl like you shouldn’t get mixed up with a guy like him.”
“Thanks for the warning. Good luck.” Ashley toasted him with her coffee cup. It seemed like everyone wanted her away from Josh.