Page 94 of Sentinel's Kiss
Josh sighed. “I can’t get into it right now. I’ll explain it all later.”
“Please don’t go,” she said. “You don’t have to do this.” She was terrified he was going to harm Stan. She wasn’t sure she could handle it if he murdered his brother-in-law. “Stay with me. Please. We didn’t get a chance to use the vibrator.” Ashley was desperate. She’d try anything to get him to stay with her.
“People are counting on me.” He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. “It’s not dangerous, I swear.”
“Then let me come with you.” She tossed back the covers.
Josh shook his head. “You can’t.” He planted himself between her and her clothes.
“What’s going on?”
“Baby, there’s something going on at the Blue Line. I’ve got to get down there right away.”
There was the lie. Her heart cracked a little.
“Okay,” she said, blinking back tears. Pulling the covers over her head, she rolled over to give him her back.
He sat down on the bed and placed his hand on her shoulder. “We’ll talk about this tomorrow.” Squeezing her shoulder, he got up and left.
She counted to twenty very slowly.
Throwing off the covers, Ashley pulled on a shirt and blue jeans. Screw him. She was sick of his half-truths and mysterious connections. She wished she had time for a shower, but she knew that if she didn’t hurry she would lose him.
Munson had gotten the wheels turning in her head. Did she think Josh was a vigilante killer? Ashley knew he was capable of it, but that and circumstantial evidence didn’t make it the truth. Grabbing her car keys, she hurried out the door. She was going to tail Josh and find out once and for all what he was doing.
Sentinel saw the headlights creeping up on him. The car was trying to stay as far back as possible, but after a few random turns that no one would take at this time of night, he knew he was being followed.
He hoped it was Stan.
Whipping the bike around in a sudden U-turn on the deserted street, he gunned the engine and barreled straight toward the car, head-on. The driver slammed on the brakes and as he got closer, he saw Ashley’s surprised face behind the wheel as he roared by.
What the fuck?
Turning the bike around in another screeching U-ey, he pulled up alongside her.
“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” he snarled at her when she rolled the window down.
“I’m not the one playing chicken with a car, you moron,” she snapped back.
Normally he would have grinned at her sass, but he was too pissed off. “What the fuck are you doing following me?”
“I wanted to see where you were going.”
Rage blinded him for a moment. “I don’t like being spied on.”
“I don’t like being treated like a mushroom.”
He blinked at that. “Mushroom?”
“Fed bullshit and kept in the dark.”
Sentinel was not going to smile. He was livid. “You need to learn to trust me or this relationship is going nowhere. I told you I’d tell you where I was going tomorrow. I don’t have time to do it right tonight.”
He couldn’t go forward with their relationship until she knew exactly what he was. He would protect the rest of the SOBs, but she had to know that he had no problem killing bad guys. And unlike Evil, there was no way he was going to stop getting vengeance for victims and bringing justice to those who deserved it. All of that was going to take more than a five-minute conversation and they had to be fully dressed. He had thought that they could be casual. But nothing felt casual. It felt real and important and it scared the shit out of him that he could lose her over this. He needed more time. But judging from the look on her face, his time had run out.
“Are you doing something illegal?” she asked, her voice shaking.