Page 100 of Twin Warriors
She bounced off him, stumbling backwards as her eyes went wide. Lace shot out a hand to grip her arm, wanting to save her from falling, but hissed and released her the moment they touched.
The chaos raging in his mind stilled, parting like a cloudy sky, revealing the peace of blue sky. He stared at his hand, vaguely noticing that the female had landed on her ass and was scowling up at him.
A rush of warmth filled his body, the gentle tingle around his wrist making his already erratic heart thump in his chest even harder.
With his other hand, he reached out and slowly pulled up the sleeve of his long black shirt.
His eyes went wide, and his mouth fell open when he saw the intricate bloodlines forming on his skin.
Unable to tear his eyes off the markings, he didn’t see as the female raised a finger at him, then stormed off down the hall.
Snapping out of his own rambling mind, he spun to find the female, but she was gone. Who was it? Why had he acted like such an ass? He needed to find her. He needed to know who she was and if she had his mark. He was too close to madness to take a chance. If a Arusian male became too consumed with the madness, his body could imprint on any female and reveal his mark, even if that female was not his mate. It was only if the female presented with the male’s mark that it was a true bond.
Spinning to run after her, Lace rounded the next corner, but it too was empty. Where had she gone?
He focused, trying to think about where he was and what was on this level that the female could have escaped to.
He was on the ground floor of the main residential building in the center of the compound. Iron’s office was down here, as was the smaller medical center for the elite warriors that lived here. There was a large kitchen, a rest area and the destroyed eating hall.
Spinning in a circle, Lace wondered where a small female might have gone. That was when he noticed the main doors leading outside to the front gardens.
Pushing them open, he ran out, searching for her.
He spotted Amy and the other three females walking down the path towards where Cane, Cole and Ice sat under a large red tree.
But before he could run after them, Roam came to him. “I need your help,” the male said.
Lace scowled at him, his body itching to go after the females and see which one was his mate. Maybe none of them were, he grimly thought as he turned away from the group and followed Roam back inside the building.
Amy led the others to where Cane and Cole sat with Ice under the same tree they had sat in only a few days ago. She smiled when she saw that the women were not as scared as they were when they first arrived. Mika still watched all the males with wide, worried eyes, but she was beginning to come out of the shell she hid in around Cane and Cole.
Love swelled inside her for her mates at how hard they worked to make sure all the women were made to feel welcome and safe in their new home.
After Smoke had released them from medical, Cane and Cole had been the ones to offer the women a place in their home. They knew she wanted them close and that she needed her sister and her friends with her.
She eased down between Cole’s legs, resting her back against his chest, and Cane moved and placed her legs on top of his. His hand slipped under the leg of her pants, rubbing at her calf in gentle strokes, while Cole wrapped her in his strong arms.
Sam just raised a brow at her and shook her head. They had had a long discussion with the men that morning. Sam still couldn’t believe that Amy was not only mated to two alien cyborgs, but that she was expecting twins as well.
After the shock of learning that she was going to be an aunty, Sam had peppered her with some rather inappropriate questions that Cane, and Cole seemed more than happy to answer for her.
She still blushed when she thought about how both men spoke over each other when they told her about the first day they shared in the compound.
“How’s the arm?” Amy asked Rachel when her friend sat down next to Ice.
“Still the same. Smoke wants to try one last treatment on it. If that doesn’t work, then he will be cutting it off.”
Ice reached out, gently taking Rachel’s good hand into hers. “Having an enhanced arm is not a curse, Rachel,” she said, gesturing to Cane and Cole. They wore a short sleeve black shirt showing off the glimmering silver metal of their arms.
“I know,” Rachel smiled at them, “But I want to try everything possible before I give up. I kind of like having feeling in my arm.”
“The enhanced limbs have millions of touch receptors in them,” Cole explained, showing her his mechanical arm, “We can feel every touch, every caress. We even feel pain when they are struck. It will never be as sensitive as flesh, but it is something you can learn to live with. It is better than being in constant pain.”
“Besides, have you seen the newest prototype?” Amy asked, winking at Rachel, “Steel has them. They can do some pretty amazing things.”
“I saw,” She said, her smile falling, “Let's see how this new treatment goes. If it doesn't work then we can look at the enhanced arm for me.”