Page 12 of Twin Warriors
Cole nodded, deep in thought. They approached the wall, looking up at the towering structure. With a nod from his brother, Cole bent his knees and jumped.
His mechanical leg giving him the power he needed to reach the top of the wall, landing on silent feet. Cane followed, soaring through the air until he landed beside his brother.
Cole moved along the wall, drawing in deep breaths as he moved.
“Here,” Cole finally said, pausing by a section of the wall that was closer to the trees beyond.
Cane searched the trees, the light of the rising suns barely penetrating the thick growth. The forest was still. Too still. The birds that usually sang in the early hours of the morning were silent. No insects chirped. Not even the wind made a sound as the tops of the trees swayed gently.
“There is something out there,” Cane said quietly, not tearing his gaze from the thick branches.
“I know. I can feel it.”
Cane nodded. He could sense something watching them. Something big. A predator.
“Let's move.” Cane finally said, stepping off the wall and falling to the ground below. He waited for Cole to land beside him before they both made their way through the trees.
Several hours later, Cane paused to take a drink of water. Cole was high up in the trees above him, moving silently through the thick branches.
The forest remained eerily quiet as they moved. Small creatures that usually scurried away when they walked in the forest were absent.
It was still early, the second sun only barely breaking the horizon, but the heat of the day was already making itself known. It would be another scorching day when the suns were at their peak. Not that it bothered Cane. He could control his body temperature, cooling himself if the heat got too much.
A sound to his left made his head whip around to seek the source. The solid metal blade hidden inside his enhanced arm shot out at his side as he focused his eyes, drawing on all his senses to find whatever made the sound.
In the distance, between two thick trees, in the shadows, he spotted two glowing blue eyes watching him.
I see it.
What is it?
I don’t know. It’s big.
Can you scent it?
No. There are too many Eurlus leaves up here. Also, the wind is not in my favor.
Let's follow it.
A moment of silence filled his mind as a wave of pain ran through his temple.
Follow it? Cane asked, a hint of amusement in his tone.
Yes. It is the only living thing we have seen in this forest for hours.
I think the reason for that is staring at us from the shadows.
A grin split Cane’s lips. Are you afraid?
Huh! Never!
Good. Let's go.
Breaking the connection to Cole, Cane closed his eyes for a moment, waiting for the pain in his head to ease enough to be able to move. Once he felt the throbbing subside, he slid his water canister into his pocket and began moving in the direction of the glowing blue eyes.