Page 15 of Twin Warriors
Turning in his arms to get a better look at him, Amy was vaguely aware that she should be terrified of them. That maybe she should run or fight or do something other than gawk at him with wide, hungry eyes.
There was no denying it. These guys were hot, and her body was reacting like a starving man at a buffet.
A deep, husky voice spoke from behind her, making her turn to see the other one standing only a foot away from her. They towered over her by well over a foot, and were twice as broad as she was, but she wasn’t afraid of them. She didn’t know why, but she didn’t get a bad vibe from them.
When the one holding her replied, sadness filled her that she couldn’t understand what they were saying. She couldn’t understand anyone on this planet except for Emi and Tope. As much as Amy loved walking around the market the two times she had gone, not understanding anyone had made her excitement fizzle away.
The two men spoke for a moment before the one behind her stepped forward, pressing his body against her back, and sandwiching her between two hard, warm chests. He reached down and gently gripped her wrist.
Even at his soft touch, Amy still didn’t get a bad feeling from these two.
He raised it up to her side, and slowly pulled the sleeve of her tunic up.
When he saw the thick tattoos of her symbiotes he frowned, his eyes shooting up to the other one.
They spoke again, both glaring down at her. That was when she realized they were speaking to her.
“I don’t understand you,” She whispered, her voice filled with sadness as she lowered her gaze to the rock at her feet.
The arm around her waist tightened, drawing her closer to the firm chest. A tear slipped from Amy’s eyes at the thought that she would never be able to speak to anyone again.
When another arm wrapped around her waist, this one from her back, she couldn’t help but feel like she had been wrapped in a warm, safe cocoon of strength, protection, and safety.
Resting her head back against the hard chest behind her, she gazed up at the stunning eyes of the man that held her.
He watched her with a burning intensity that made her shiver. There was something so deep, so desperate in his gaze that it brought another tear to her eye.
When it slipped past her lashes, running down her cheek, the man in front of her followed it with his gaze, then raised a gentle thumb and wiped it away. His gaze softened when he met her eyes again, a small, relieved smile pulling at his perfect lips.
That was when she noticed the intricate markings around his flesh wrist. It was stunning, with fine lines that looked like an intricate alien writing.
He must have seen it too, because he gasped and shot his eyes up to the man still holding her from behind.
The other one spoke in a low, deep voice that sent a shiver through her again.
The arms tightened around her, both men holding her pinned to their bodies and she felt them shaking.
What was going on? Why was she so calm in their arms? Why were they shaking, the water in the pool was warm and the heat of the day was already heating up the cave to a sauna.
Finally, after a short conversation, the man behind her released her and stepped back. Instantly she missed the warmth of his body pressed to her back, even though sweat was beginning to bead on her lip from the humid temperature of the room.
She turned to look at him, meeting his eyes. He gave her that same stunning smile before he turned, bent his knees, and jumped out of the hole in the roof.
Amy sucked in a sharp breath. The hole was at least twenty feet above the pool, and he just jumped out of it like it was nothing more than two feet away.
The man still holding her spoke in a soft, soothing voice as his hand gently stroked her back. She turned back to him, her eyes still wide and her heart pounding.
“I wish I could understand what you’re saying,” she said, resting a hand on his hard chest.
He closed his eyes at the small contact, a deep, heavy sigh escaping his parted lips.
God, he was so handsome it was hard to look at him.
She tore her eyes away from his face, taking a moment to explore his neck and chest. She could see the hint of silver peeking out from the collar of his shirt on his right side. She followed his right arm to her waist to find a metal hand holding her hip.
Unable to stop herself, she reached over and gently stroked the surprisingly warm metal.
A groan came from the man and Amy jerked her eyes back to his face.