Page 19 of Twin Warriors
What the hell was she doing? She had just been playing tonsil hockey with the huge alien guy when two more walked in. She never acted like this. She was calm, and shy, and had a hard time with men in general. Now, she was ready to jump them both.
The big guy at the back, the one with the red eyes and hair freaked her out though. Where she felt calm and safe around the twins, he sent a shiver of unease through her body. He was dangerous, she just knew that down to her bones.
The other twin stepped closer, holding out his flesh hand to her and waited. She stared into his eyes, trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with her. She felt… strange. Amy was no virgin, not at the age of twenty-nine, but her body tingled and ached to be touched by them again. How could that be? How could she feel so strongly about both men? Was it because they looked alike? Was it some weird alien pheromone? Or was it something else entirely? A longing to be touched by a man again. Had it really been so long?
Needing a lifeline back to reality, Amy gripped the markings on her wrists and reached out to Emi and Tope.
“Are you alright?” Came the instant, furious growl from Tope.
“I’m fine. They aren’t hurting me.”
“What do they want?”
“I’m not sure. I can’t understand what they say. There are three of them now.”
The answering snarl was heard not just in her mind, but it echoed off the walls of the cave as well. Tope was close, and he was pissed.
“No! Do not come in here, Tope. Please. These three cyborgs will kill you if they see you. I swear I’m okay. I’m just… I’m just confused, that's all.”
For the first time in over four weeks, Amy heard Kisma speak to her.
“Go with them, child.”
“Go with them. They will not hurt you. I felt their intentions for you when they touched you. You are safe with them.
“I can’t just leave you all out here alone.”
“We are not alone. You need to be around your kind for a while. We will be here when you need us.”
Amy swallowed; her eyes still fixed on the large man that stood in front of her. His hand was still outstretched towards her and his eyes patient and warm.
Could she go with them? She wanted to, so badly, but it tore her apart to think of Emi and Tope alone out here in the woods. If they were seen, they could be killed. Even with Kisma and Maku there to help them, they still needed each other. What about her? What would happen to her if she went with them? What if she needed the others and they couldn’t get to her? And what did Kisma mean by their intentions for her?
“Kisma?” Amy asked in a low, worried voice.
“It’s alright, child. Go.”
The finality of her words sent a wave of warmth and understanding through Amy’s body. For the first time, she realized that even though she had tried to hide her loneliness from the others, they all knew how she felt. Just like how she knew what the others felt. She felt their joy, their love, and their concern for her. Now, they wanted her to go and be around her kind for a while. To help her ease some of the pain of loneliness she felt.
Swallowing, Amy blinked back tears as she met the tall man’s eyes again. He frowned when he saw her eyes fill with tears. She gave him a shaky smile and slowly placed her hand into his large, warm palm. The relief she saw in his eyes; the smile he gave her almost broke her heart. He was so afraid that she would fear him, that she would pull away and run that it just made her want to go to him even more.
Again, uncertainty filled her mind. How could she want him so badly, when she had felt exactly the same way only a moment ago about his brother?
He gently pulled her closer until he was able to wrap his large arms around her and pull her into his chest. Amy buried her face in his shirt, not wanting to see the pain and disappointment on the other man's face at her affection for his brother.
He spoke gently to her, his hand running down her back in slow, gentle caresses.
Looking up at him, she tried to convey that she didn’t understand what he was saying, but he just smiled and nodded in understanding. He turned, reaching out a hand to the tall red eyed man and spoke to him. A second later, the man pulled a small silver gun shaped tool out of his pocket and handed it to him.
Amy tensed when she saw the weapon and looked up into those amazing brown eyes. He raised one hand, gently stroking her cheek with the pad of his thumb, before he motioned to the gun, then to his ear, then to his lips. Understanding dawned in Amy. It was a translator. She would finally be able to understand what people were saying to her.
She nodded, her eyes watering with excitement. She closed her eyes and waited as he pressed the gun just below her left ear and pressed the trigger. A soft sting pricked her skin, before it faded. He did the same to her other ear before tossing the gun back to the red-haired man.
She tried not to get her hopes up as she waited for them to speak.
It took a moment, but finally, she opened her eyes and asked, “Do you understand me?”