Page 3 of Twin Warriors
When it turned to face her, Amy’s life flashed before her eyes.
She saw her mother and father before they died. She saw her sister, her best friends, her boring job at the all-night convenience store, and her small one-bedroom apartment in Portland. Sadness filled her at the thought of never seeing her family again. At how unfair it was that her life had to end like this. She had always tried to be a good person, helping those she could and avoiding confrontation as much as possible.
Now, her life was going to be shredded by long, sharp claws on an alien planet… alone.
It took her a moment to realize that nothing was happening. She wasn’t being torn apart or eaten alive.
Taking in a ragged breath, Amy slowly opened her eyes. The moment she did, her heart skipped a beat. Her gaze locked onto the brilliant green eyes of the beast in front of her.
It stood inches away from her, its face lowered to sniff her.
“Please,” She whispered in such a low voice she barely heard it. She didn’t want to die. She had survived so much already on this planet, the abduction, the prison convoy, and the desert.
“You live.” A soft, soothing feminine voice said in her head.
Amy’s eyes widened as she stared at the green-eyed beast in front of her.
“What?” Amy asked, hoping that rescue might come from a dark corner of the cave.
“We were worried you would not survive. I am glad to see you are awake.”
Where was that voice coming from? It sounded like it was in her head, but that couldn’t be right.
“Who are you?” Amy asked, trying to tear her eyes off the emeralds in front of her.
“I have no name. Perhaps you can grant me one.”
“Where are you?”
“I am right here, in front of you.”
Amy frowned deeper. In front of her? The only thing in front of her was the monster.
She took a second to stare into the green eyes. They were soft and held no bad intentions. They also shone with intelligence and understanding.
“Are you… Are you the big black monster in front of me?” Amy asked cautiously.
The green eyes blinked, a hint of amusement in them as the large black head nodded.
“Yes. Although I do not like to be called a monster.”
Amy’s mind went blank. She just stared at the creature in front of her, her eyes wide as she tried to understand what was happening.
“Sorry,” Amy replied. What else could she say to a creature that towered over her crouched body, only inches away from her face?.
“It’s alright. I take no offense. I know how others see my kind. I understand more now.”
“What… What is going on?” Amy finally asked, rising slowly to her feet. The creature raised its head as Amy stood, not once breaking eye contact with her.
“You fell into our lair. You were almost dead. We were not sure you would survive the bonding.”
Amy tried to understand what the creature was saying, but her mind locked onto one word and held it as her body began to shake again.
The green eyes softened again, and if Amy didn’t know better, she would swear the thing was smiling.
“Yes. I live here with my mate.”