Page 41 of Twin Warriors
“Two,” came a furious voice in her head.
Two more… but where were they?
She glanced over at Emi and Tope again, seeing that they stood watching Iron and Cane, who regarded them with wide, worried eyes.
“Cane,” Amy shouted to him, trying to keep her voice as normal as possible, “There are two more!”
When he nodded, she ran over to Cole, falling to her knees in the sand beside him. Cole jerked when he saw her face covered in the black suit.
“It’s me, Cole. It’s Amy.”
“What… What are you?”
“I will explain it all later. How bad are you hurt?”
He coughed, spitting up blood. Amy ran her eyes over the thick blood oozing out of his chest and gasped. He had long, deep gashes in his skin exposing the bone beneath.
“Oh, God, Cole, no.”
“Amy,” he raised a hand to her face but paused as his eyes began to roll back in their sockets.
“Cole! Cole!” Amy called, reaching for his face.
“Here they come!” Iron called.
She spun to the other two men, “Emi, Tope, help them! Cane, Iron, let them help you!”
She didn’t wait for a response. She felt Emi and Tope answer her through the connection. Her focus was on Cole, he was bleeding so badly, the sand beneath him soaking with thick red blood.
“Kisma! Help him, please!” She begged, not knowing what else to do.
“Let me go to him, child,” Kisma whispered, part of the suit moving as the black ooze flowed off her and covered Cole's chest.
“Can you save him?” Amy breathed, tears burning in her eyes as her heart stopped beating in anticipation.
“Amy!” Cane’s panicked roar called to her a moment before a set of vice like jaws snapped closed around her waist.
Rage boiled inside Amy, amplified by the anger in Maku. She gave the male symbiote a mental nod to do what needed to be done and felt the suit morph again. Long, thick, barbed spikes shot out of the suit in every direction, piercing the beast through its mouth, throat, eyes, and head.
It collapsed into a dead pile; Amy partially trapped under the heavy weight.
Cane appeared in her vision, his face a mask of dread as he pushed the beast off her. His whole body was covered in blood, with long, nasty looking cuts in his skin.
He dropped to his knees beside her, lifting her to his chest.
“Are you alright?”
She nodded, “I’m fine. Maku protected me from the teeth. Where are Emi and Tope!”
She jumped to her feet, scanning the sands for the two large creatures.
When she spotted the glowing green and blue eyes not far from where Iron was, she let out a breath of relief.
“Are you two okay?”
They nodded, turning to help Iron end the thrashing creature under his blade.
She turned back to Cane, who had a deep, uncertain frown on his face.