Page 6 of Intertwined Souls
When David first brought us in here, he still had his gun in his hand. When he went to leave, he tucked it into the back of his jeans. Here’s to hoping it’s still there. I reach my hand around his waist while he is distracted, enjoying the sound of my gasp when he yanked me up.
Feeling the cool metal of the gun, I yank it out and shove it against his side, making sure to dig it into his skin. David freezes and stares down at me, his hand still fisted in my hair.
“What’s the plan, little girl? Going to shoot me?” He grins. “I knew that fire didn’t dim that fast.”
He yanks on my hair again, forcing my neck back to an uncomfortable angle. His other hand reaches over and grasps my wrist that is holding the gun, trying to yank it away.
I recall what Lincoln always told me. If someone gets you by the hair, your first priority is breaking their grip. Otherwise, they have too much control over you. His arm is stretched across his chest, reaching down to where I hold the gun at his side, and I quickly push forward, catching him off guard as I bite his upper arm until I taste blood.
David lets out a curse, and his grip on my hair loosens. Bringing my leg around his, I kick as hard as I can, causing him to fall backwards onto his ass. His grip on my wrist doesn’t falter, dragging me with him down to my knees.
The second we land, he moves faster then I expect, throwing me onto my back and pinning me down. I still have the gun in my hand, but he grips my wrist, holding it up before slamming it onto the ground over and over again until I release the gun.
Tears sting my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. He straddles my hips and holds my wrists on either side of my head, smirking down at me.
The sound of my heartbeat thrashes in my ears as I bite my lip to stop it from trembling. No matter how much progress I have made, that doesn’t stop the terror I feel at being pinned down. I’m doing everything I can to maintain my composure. Not show him how badly I want to scream, cry, even beg.
“Hm, this is more like it. Right where you’re meant to be. I think it’s about time we inject your friend again and then maybe I will take you right here in front of him. You can watch him slip into a coma before his heart slowly stops while I rail you like I have been craving to do for years.” Groaning, David leans down and runs his nose up the side of my face, inhaling.
I turn my head away as far as I can and squeeze my eyes shut. Think, Harley. Don’t freeze up. Cade needs you.
A loud bang and then a gunshot rings through the silence in the room. David sits up straight, still holding me down, and peers out the door. I take advantage of the distraction and bring my leg up in between his as far as I can get it, using all my strength and pent-up anger to jam my knee straight into his dick.
Letting out a howl, he releases my wrists. I grab the gun from where it still lays on the ground and hit him against the head with it. I have enough force to knock him off of me, but it doesn’t render him unconscious.
Climbing up onto shaky legs, I stare down at his still smiling face. “Why are you still fucking smiling?” I scream at him, pointing the gun at his chest.
“This is the most fun I’ve had since your mom was still in my hands. You aren’t going to shoot me. You may have fire, but you are still a child,” he sneers, raising a cocky eyebrow at me.
Aiming the gun down to his knee, I exhale and then take the shot just how Ryan taught me. David cusses and grips his leg while moaning in pain. “Why the fuck does everyone keep underestimating me?” I growl.
Glancing back over to Cade’s pale, unconscious form, my heart skips a beat. I run over to him and check for a pulse; it’s there but it’s weak. “Stay with me, Cade. Please. I’m going to get us out of here,” I murmur, running my hand down his cheek.
The sound of thundering footsteps draws me back to the present and remembering that someone else is here. There was a gunshot a few minutes ago.
Spinning around, I sprint over to the door and stand behind it.
The steps grow louder as someone approaches. I can hear a few whispered words, so I know it’s more than one person. Fuck.
My heart pounds so hard my chest begins to ache, and my vision threatens to go blurry as my breathing turns shallow. Taking a deep breath, I wait until someone steps into the doorway, blocking the light shining into the room. Without thought, I step out, gun raised.
“Woah, Harley. It’s me, Axe, remember me?” He raises his hands and steps back into the hallway. “Ryker!” he yells.
I recognize him; there isn’t a doubt in my mind that he’s from the club. But for some reason, I can’t lower the gun. I can’t take my finger off the trigger or look away from the target in front of me. Adrenaline races through me, and the only thought left in my mind is Cade.
Get Cade out, get him help. Keep him safe. Nothing else matters. Someone else runs into the open doorway where I still face off with Axe, blocking my view of him.
“Little flame, it’s alright now. Give me the gun.” Ryker steps forward and grasps the barrel of the gun, not even seeming fazed that it is pointed directly at his chest. My hand starts to shake, and I release the weapon, stumbling back. Ryker passes it back to someone else and then steps up to me, but I shake my head.
“C–Cade.” I point to where he is. “Help him. Help him.” The words tumble out as I run back over to him and drop to my knees next to his head.
More voices sound behind me, but now knowing that Ryker is here, in the room with us, I feel like I can breathe a little more. The walls Cade made me bring up are slowly crumbling around the edges, the numbness from the day's events is fading, and everything is beginning to feel overwhelming.
Someone drops down on the other side of Cade and I jump, my eyes shooting up, connecting with Stone’s dark irises. “Is he injured anywhere?” he asks gruffly.
I shake my head. “No, just whatever they gave him. He’s been clammy, pale, getting dizzy. He said the room kept spinning and that his muscles felt weaker by the minute. Then he eventually passed out,” I ramble on, doing my best to recount everything I can remember Cade saying or what I noticed.
Stone’s brows dip in confusion, he reaches behind him and pulls his phone out, typing something and then nodding down at the device before slipping it back in his pocket again. “Axe, Sugar, come help me get him to the truck. We need to get him back to the club.”