Page 17 of Daddy's Rule
"It’s not stupid. It's not even uncommon. It's why Rent-A-Daddy exists and why it's going to work."
"I guess."
"It's okay to need this, Nyla. And it's okay to want it. And if you just need the security of having discipline in your life for a while, keep testing me. I'll happily spank you every damn day if that's what you need."
That sounded almost heavenly. Bas never said anything he didn't mean. And he spanked so damn well. Maybe if he wasn't so damn good at it, I wouldn't be wanting it so badly.
"Do you need a spanking, babygirl? Would that make you feel better?"
Even though I knew it was safe to admit it, I couldn't. I shrugged. I didn't want to be the one calling the shots. Not in any way, shape or form. I had been doing it for far too long. I shrugged, again.
Bas frowned. "Well, you were quite testy, and you did refuse to answer me appropriately…" He trailed off and before I could argue his point, I was flipped upside down, ass up, over his knee, and he was tucking me close, pinning my hands behind my back and scissoring his leg over the top of mine, trapping me in place.
The storm that had been brewing in my chest all day instantly calmed. Tears pricked my eyelids and a rush of relief flowed through my body.
"Oh, babygirl," Bas murmured, "it's okay to need Daddy. That's why I'm here."
But he wasn't my daddy for real, and he wouldn't be here forever. Pretty soon the business would take off and he'd be on to the next client.
I didn't have time to let those thoughts linger or even give them an inch of breathing room in my brain before Bas pulled down my skirt and panties and smacked my bottom with all his strength, taking the breath right out of me.
"Ouch!" I gasped.
"Ouch, indeed. Is this what you needed, babygirl? My hand on your ass to finish out the day right?"
My only answer was a low moan as he began to cover my ass in stinging, sensual smacks. Slow. Hard. Deliberate.
"Bas," I moaned.
"I don't have anything to punish you for, babygirl. Not really. But I do like the way your body feels pinned against mine, and I love to see your ass turn red under my hand. Truth is, I could do this all night."
As if to prove his point, he leaned over me to grab the remote from the coffee table and clicked the TV on.
The familiar theme song from Golden Girls filled the room, and Betty White told a St. Olaf story. I turned my head to look at the screen, half expecting to be scolded for doing so, but Bas just set down the remote and leaned back, lackadaisically smacking my ass at random, snickering at the funny parts of the show.
"Get comfortable, babygirl. We might be here a while. Looks like a marathon tonight."
Hiding a smile even though he couldn't see my face, I pushed my butt toward him and moaned.
This was heaven.
Three episodes and one very red ass later, I released my grip on Nyla’s wrists and shook out a cramp. Her body was limp against mine and all the earlier tension and fight had faded away.
"Feel better?" I asked.
"Mmm. Very much." She rolled her body so that she was on her back, still laying over my lap, and smiled up at me. "Thank you… Daddy."
"You're very welcome. That was fun. We might have to make it a nightly ritual."
Her eyes lit and a blush filled her cheeks. "I'm sure you have better things to do."
"Better than that? Not possible." My stomach growled and I offered a chagrined smile. "Although, next time maybe we'll eat dinner first."
"Ugh." She covered herself, her exposed, glistening pussy, with her hands, as if noticing her nakedness for the first time since flipping over. "Yeah, I could eat, but I don't want to cook."
"Me, either." I shifted just enough to grab my phone out of my back pocket and pulled up a familiar app. "I'll order pizza. But it’ll come fast. You have to put your clothes on."