Page 36 of Daddy's Reckoning
Once I was over his lap, though, there were other, louder thoughts. The memory of the way his thick, hard thighs dug into my belly. I moaned, and he parted his legs, letting my stomach drop between them. Without me even saying anything he was protecting me, and our unborn child.
God, he feels good. My pussy is wet. His cock is hard. I want him. I miss it. I-Ow!
A sharp, hard slap across my bottom shocked me into the present. The spanking had begun. And once Theo started, he wouldn’t stop until I was sore and sorry, begging for forgiveness. I knew this from past experiences.
He started as he always did, silently, letting his hand—or in usual circumstances, whatever implement he was wielding—do the speaking for him. His hand was hard, and when he wanted it to, did as much damage as any paddle.
I sucked in a breath, just reveling in the familiar feelings, and at the same time, trying to put walls up around my heart to separate my need for his discipline from feelings.
But it felt impossible. He was no longer just the Theo who told me to get an abortion, then declared he’d never wanted that in the first place. He wasn’t the Theo who was driving me crazy with his rules and his overbearing protectiveness of the child I was growing. He’d bought me a house. He’d paid my rent even though he hadn’t needed to. He’d put together the kitchen of my dreams, turned my bedroom into the sanctuary I’d always wanted. He’d built a nursery, and did just enough to paint a picture, but not enough to leave me out of the process. And sure, those things might seem like I was allowing myself to be wooed by material matters and money, but it wasn’t about the expense, or the grand gestureness of it all. It was the small, intimate touches that showed he really knew me. That showed he cared.
Suddenly, this didn’t feel like just a spanking. Tears sprang to my eyes, and I fought them back, telling myself it was just stupid pregnancy hormones; it didn’t mean anything. But I could feel my emotions overwhelming me. I could feel myself on the edge of a cliff about to fall off, and fall hard. For him.
Thankfully, just as I was about to lose my battle with myself, Theo’s hand picked up pace and he began to speak.
“I’m very disappointed in you.” His voice was tender, but his words were sharp.
I exhaled deeply, reminding myself why I was here. A failing grade in biochem. No other reason.
“I’m not disappointed that you failed,” he continued, startling me. I yanked my head up, looking over my shoulder at him.
He glanced to the side long enough to meet my gaze before he went back to what he was doing, covering every inch of my ass with hard, unrelenting swats. “I’m disappointed that you didn’t ask for help. Your independent streak will be the death of you, little girl. I am your Daddy. My role is to guide you, discipline you, and help you succeed, and not just by administering hard spankings when you fail. Do you understand that?”
He paused, and I realized he was waiting for an answer. I wanted to say that I did understand, but did I? I wasn’t really sure. My independent streak was a mile long; it came from never being able to rely on anyone. It was something that, in the past, Theo and I had talked about a lot.
“Nobody can get through this life alone. Asking for help doesn’t mean you’re weak; it means you’re strong. Nobody can be good at everything and do everything all by themselves.”
With his friend group, and close-knit family, Theo lived his life that way, but to me it was a foreign concept.
He was still waiting for me to answer, so I did. Truthfully. “I don’t know.” I winced as I said it, my body tensing, waiting for a responding blow, but none came. I looked over my shoulder again and caught him shaking his head, his expression sad.
“I guess I can’t make you understand that. I can’t force you to believe something that has been the opposite of your whole life experience, so here’s what I’m going to do instead. I’m going to make a rule.”
It was on the tip of my tongue to protest that he couldn’t. That this last spanking was a one-off. It would end our contract forever, and therefore, my consent. But I wanted to hear what he had to say, so I stayed quiet, keeping my thoughts inside, because in a way, voicing them would be the opposite of being open to accepting help.
Theo knew the way to drive home any point was with the therapeutic meeting of hand and ass, so he spoke slowly, between hard swats to my sit spots. “You need to know this. I get why asking for help is hard for you. I understand why it doesn’t come naturally; I get that in the past it’s just set you up for disappointment. but I need you to hear me, and I need you to believe me. You can always come to me for help. And If I can’t help you, like with biochem, for instance, I will find you someone who can. So you come to me in the future, before things get that bad, no matter what it is. It’s a rule. And if I ever find out you’ve broken it, you’ll end up in this same exact spot.”
The dreamer in me wanted to hold fast to his promises, but the realist wouldn’t let me. Theo and I weren’t going to end up together, we’d both move on and find others in this life someday. And while the thought made my heart feel like it was breaking, that was just how it was. Another empty promise made with the best of intentions. He was doing a lot of that lately.
“Theo,” I whispered. “You can’t… You aren’t… This…”
It was on the tip of my tongue to remind him that he wasn’t my Daddy, that I couldn’t accept this kind of promise from him for the future, but before I could gather my thoughts they were cut off by a spank so hard across the center of my bottom that it actually took my breath away.
“Don’t say it,” he commanded, his voice harder and sterner than I’d ever heard. “Don’t you dare say I’m not your Daddy, or I can’t make a rule, or any of whatever that was about to be.”
Another smack, just as hard as the first, silenced my protests, and I whimpered, trying to wiggle away. He held me firmly in place, his fingertips denting my flesh.
“We are having a child together, Erin. A child. That means from now until forever, you will always be in my life, you will always be someone who is dear to me, and I will always do whatever it takes to make sure you are happy, successful, and all your needs are fulfilled. That’s not up for negotiation. It’s just a fact you have to accept. I’m here, in whatever context, forever.”
He started to spank again, this time with softer swats, peppering every inch of my ass with his marks as he imparted a message that seemed to be very important to him.
“I will always be there for you, but I won’t always know if you’re struggling, what you need, or how to help. So you must tell me.”
Again I opened my mouth to argue. I just couldn’t help myself. What he was asking felt so impossible, unrealistic, and just not what I was used to from people.