Page 8 of Daddy's Reckoning
“Fine. What’s going on?”
Smiling, I shook my head. “Starting with a question already, huh? Bas needs to blister your ass more, I swear.”
Nyla hopped off the desk. “You know what? You said you wanted my advice, but if you’re going to be a prick I’m just going to leave.”
“Chill, Ny. I was teasing. Mostly. Anyways, Erin has requested some short-term changes in our dynamic as she goes into the busiest time of the school year, and I’m trying to come up with a plan of action to fulfill her requests.”
“Okay.” Nyla stared at me, and I could tell she was biting her tongue to stop herself from asking for more information.
Just because I was thoroughly enjoying fucking with her, I slowly opened my computer and pulled up the document. “She wants me to Daddy her at a distance because it is less time-consuming and more convenient for her.”
“Okaaaaay.” She held out the word in a tone that said she was confused and skeptical, but to her credit she didn’t ask any more questions.
“Will you look at the plan I came up with and see if it makes sense from a submissive’s perspective, and let me know if you think anything needs to be added or tweaked?”
“Sure!” Nyla’s eyes lit with excitement as she all but charged my desk and grabbed my laptop. Taking it to the couch, she flopped down and started reading. I watched her face as her eyes scanned the document. All seemed good until her eyebrows started to knit together in obvious confusion. “If you need her limits list, I can print it out from her application.”
“What? Why would I need her limits list? I know it by heart.”
“You have a question in here about her limits in the discipline section.”
I could tell she was creating statements from things she wanted to ask me about, and I really did appreciate her trying to help and respect the boundary I’d set. I’d kind of forgotten about that part of the document and that it might raise some questions.
“I’ve never done distance domming before, so I’m not sure what will be comfortable for her to do alone.”
“Punishments are not supposed to be comfortable. They’re supposed to be uncomfortable with a level of humiliation that makes us not want to fuck up again.” She talked to me like I was a kindergartner learning how to navigate the playground.
“I’m aware, but this is different, and I just want a bit of her input.”
“Okay, then I’d say it’s all laid out pretty clearly and covers pretty much everything.”
“Thanks, Ny. I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome.” She looked from the document to me a few times. I could see the wheels turning in her brain and imagined smoke coming from her ears from how hard it was working. “You guys have been doing this a long time. This change seems weird.”
“It’s what she wants and needs from me right now, and like I said, it’s only temporary.”
“Okie dokie.” After closing the computer, she stood and returned it to my desk. “Welp, let me know how that works out for you.”
I didn’t like her tone of voice and instantly felt uneasy.
“Why do you say it like that? What’s wrong with all of it?”
“I can only speak for myself. Distance domming is great if there is a physical reason you can’t be together, but I don’t know how someone can go from in-person to distance when you’re essentially down the street from one another. It feels like a good way to push someone away and slowly break it off.”
“That’s not what’s happening,” I said with way more confidence than I currently believed. “It’s only temporary.”
Nyla nodded. “Like I said, it’s only my opinion. Maybe you want to put a deadline on your agreement to make sure it is what you think it is? Then she can’t… like… string you along?”
“She’s not stringing me along.” Was she? Shit. I hated feeling so insecure about something.
“Then she won’t have a problem with a deadline.”
There was more to it than that, though. If I gave her a deadline, then it might add undue stress, and with what I’d already put her through it didn’t feel fair to do that. Unfortunately, I didn’t want to tell Nyla that part, but I needed to placate her somehow, because she was definitely in protective bestie mode and needed something from me in order to move on with her day.
“I’ll think about how I want to handle that, okay? I really appreciate the help this morning. And maybe we can keep this between us? It’s not really anyone else’s business.”
“I won’t lie to Bas if he asks, but I doubt he will, so you’re probably safe. I’m going to order in some smoothies and breakfast wraps, you want something?” she asked as she made her way toward the door.