Page 13 of Kept By The Agents
"I may, or may not, have found a way into the Bratva's system, too. Good news. They aren't a part of the Raleka's business, other than staying out of their way that is."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I said under my breath, scrubbing my hands over my face.
"No. It was easier than I thought it would be. Honestly, they probably just assumed that no one would dare to go poking around in their business."
"Or they kill the people who do," Suave pointed out.
Weaver cocked his head as he thought about that. "That's very likely, too."
"Did you learn anything else?" I asked with a sigh.
"Nothing that pertains to this case, but I bet Boykov would cream himself if he got a hold of some of this information."
I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, he probably would. What else?"
"Ran a search from the SVR's database for any other smaller organizations in the area and poked around. Nothing that raises any red flags."
"Did you expect to find something?" I asked, curious to hear his answer.
"Trafficking is a huge operation," Weaver admitted. "And while the Raleka has a lot of people, I was hoping I'd find something. Another group that helped them with security. Or somewhere they were stashing the women. Whatever means of transportation they're using to ship them all over the world. Something."
His frustrated tone told me everything I needed to know. He hadn't found what he'd been looking for. I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "No luck getting into the Raleka's systems?"
"No," he sighed. "They're locked up tighter than Fort Knox."
"What-" I broke off as Cat came back out of the bathroom. There would be time to ask him more later. Though I wasn't sure what good it would do, since he hadn't found anything else useful.
She tossed the sleeping bag back onto Suave, who was still lying on his mattress. "When can I go back to my place?"
My eyes narrowed on her. "Never. Why?"
Her jaw dropped. "What do you mean never?"
"What don't you get about the Raleka knowing about you?" I snapped. She was so fucking stubborn. Something else Suave had forgotten to mention.
"So? I wasn't planning on staying there," she said, rolling her eyes. "I'm not stupid. I just want to get my stuff."
"It's too dangerous."
"I'm not leaving my things there," she replied, hands on her hips. "I'll go by myself if I have to."
Grinding my teeth together, I considered my options. A smile spread across my face. "Okay. We'll go get your things."
She gave me a suspicious look. "Okay. When?"
"As soon as you give me the address of your source." She'd already said his name was Boris, but knowing where to find him would save us time.
She shrugged. "I can't do that."
"He sold you out to the Raleka," Suave said, standing up. He started pulling on his pants and a t-shirt. We all had slept in just our boxer briefs, except Cat, who'd slept fully clothed. I wasn't expecting her to be shy. She didn't seem like the type. Maybe she'd end up surprising me in other ways, too.
"He wouldn't have done that unless he had to," Cat insisted. A frown marred her pretty face, belying the doubts she had about her own statement. "He hates them. And the Bratva. I need to know if they are threatening him."
"Who cares why he did it," Suave said with a shrug. "He still sold you out."
"Some people know something about loyalty, Darro," Cat snapped.
Suave looked like he had taken a knife to the gut. He quickly recovered and masked his emotions. Her comments made a lot more sense now that we knew he'd left her on their wedding day. 'At the altar' kind of implied that he hadn't talked to her before he'd walked away.