Page 62 of Kept By The Agents
Matvey sighed. "Fine."
"She'll be okay," Suave said. "It's only a few more hours." He slapped his hand down on the other man's shoulder. That was Suave. He befriended just about anyone.
One more look from Brandon had me disappearing back into the bedroom. I kept the door open and listened as calls and plans were made. I was thrilled to have helped, but I was as anxious as Matvey. I knew they needed to plan and go in an organized manner, but the sound of the clock on the wall, ticking away, seemed ominous. Every minute that passed made dread build in my chest.
I'd moved back to the door and sat with my back to the frame as I listened in on their plans. My mother had always harped on me that curiosity killed the cat, but I couldn't seem to help myself back then. I wasn't any better now. It relieved me to know they were going to make their move tonight.
Those poor girls didn't have a lot of time. Elena had been missing for over five months. I wasn't sure how hard it would be for us to find her, though I had faith we would. But Motya was only recently taken. I was hoping she'd still be close by.
I knew every step of their mission now, but I also knew better than to interfere. That would just make it more difficult for the guys. I didn't need to be a part of the take down of the Raleka. I might have been interested in that before, but now? I'd rather stay here where it was safe. Knowing those men had been searching for me had cooled off a lot of my desire to be involved in this whole mess. The only reason I would have continued would have been for Elena, but I was happy to pass it off to Brandon, Drew, and Suave. They were better at this sort of thing than I was.
Boots clomping up the stairs warned me that they were coming. I was lost in my thoughts and didn't realize that the thrum of deep voices had silenced. The others must have left to prepare for tonight's raid. Scrambling to my feet, I tiptoed as fast as I could back into the room. I settled on the bed just as the guys stopped in my doorway.
Brandon was glaring at me. "I told you to stay in here."
My brows shot upward. "I am in here."
"You weren't earlier," he growled. "I don't want those assholes getting too good a look at you. Do you have any idea what Matvey could do-"
"He already saw me a few days ago," I pointed out, crossing my arms beneath my breasts.
"Yes, because you were disobeying direct orders then, too," he replied.
My eyes narrowed. "If I agree to be yours, is this how it's going to be?"
A muscle jumped in his jaw as he bit back his frustration. "What do you mean?"
I pushed off the bed and walked over until my toes were touching the tips of his boots. I glared up at him. "You bossing me around? Expecting me to act like one of your soldiers?"
He opened his mouth and I already knew what he was going to say. I was beginning to understand this man. The other two were easy, but Brandon was more of a mystery. Or...he had been.
"One of your operatives?" I corrected myself, cutting him off before he could point out my mistake. They weren't military. Weren't Army, therefore couldn't be soldiers.
His mouth snapped shut and I could see him struggling for patience.
"Cat-" Suave started.
"Yes," Brandon answered, cutting Suave off. "This is exactly how it's going to be, Princess. I'm demanding and used to being in charge. And I'm too damn old to change my ways now. You should think about that before you give me your answer," he warned.
Putting my hands on my hips, I told him, "That's not the way to get me to say yes."
It was his turn for his eyes to narrow as he studied me. "No?" I shook my head. "Why do I get the feeling you're all but begging for some discipline? Some structure?"
I scoffed at that. "No, I'm not. I'm used to doing whatever I want and I'm too damn old to be changing my ways now." I threw his words back in his face. If he thought he could out stubborn me, then he was sorely mistaken.
"Hmmm," he grunted. "Maybe. But what did I tell you was going to happen the last time?"
"What?" I asked. Fear, and a tiny spark of thrill, raced down my spine. I was going to pretend the thrill didn't exist. "Nothing. You told me to stay in my room," I lied.
"I told you I was going to spank that pretty little ass if you disobeyed me," he replied.
Before I could move his hand shot out and gripped my wrist, holding me in place. Not that I had anywhere I could go with them filling my doorway. "You're crazy," I told him. "You're not touching me."
"No?" he asked, eyebrow arching. "Then you tell me what I should do to ensure that you listen to me."