Page 69 of Kept By The Agents
I was too. That was the thing about Boykov. He tried to hide it, but he was a sucker for a happy ending. And he wasn't the only one.
"Yeah?" The kid couldn't be more than nineteen years old, and he was partnered with a cranky old man who looked like he was in his forties.
I studied them as I paced around the kitchen and dining room area. They were both sitting at the table, doom scrolling on their cell phones. I didn't know how they could be so damn calm. My heart was pounding in my chest and with every tick of the clock, I was tensing up more and more.
"Tell the girl to sit down before I strangle her." Sanders glared at me.
I didn't know his first name. Or anything about him. All I knew is he and Burke showed up tonight after being called by Brandon. They were my guardians for the night. There were two more men upstairs, sitting in the windows with intimidatingly large rifles. I never caught their last names and they didn't speak to me as they set up. Sanders seemed to be the leader here tonight. I was grateful they were here. Appreciative they were protecting me, but his words caused me to scowl at him.
He didn't have the right to complain. I was doing exactly what Brandon had demanded of me—being a good girl—while they were gone. I wasn't asking a million questions. I wasn't trying to leave and run off to wherever they'd gone to help. Mostly because I knew I wouldn't be any help. As hard as that realization was to admit to myself, I'd learned my lesson. The men were well-trained and did this all the time. I wouldn't be any help to them. In fact, I'd be a hindrance. It meant all I was doing was pacing and worrying, but I knew that's all I could do for now.
Burke swallowed hard and looked between me and his partner. "Uh."
"I can't," I replied, aiming my response at Sanders. "If I sit, you're going to hear question after question. You choose which you'd rather deal with."
He grunted in response but didn't tell me to sit again. He just went back to his phone.
There were four more men outside somewhere. The guys had told me about them before they left. They'd been trying to set me at ease. And that worked, but now I was worried about them. They'd been gone for most of the night. Dawn was only a few hours away and my nerves were shot.
What if something happened to them? I'd never forgive myself for my part in dragging them into this if something did. I wasn't sure when the attraction I'd felt for them had morphed into something deeper, but I was feeling it strongly right now. It was making me face the fact that in the couple weeks I'd been stuck in a house with these men, I'd somehow fallen in love with them. Well, I'd always loved Suave. But somehow Drew and Brandon had wormed their way into my heart as well. How had that happened?
The sex was the key. I was sure of it. Sex was emotional for me. Which was why I never slept around after Suave left. That was probably my biggest mistake. That opened the door for more feelings to grow. Then add in their protective natures and, though they hid it as much as possible, their kind hearts and I was a goner. I sighed and turned, ignoring Sanders's irritated look, and started my trek back across the room. It wasn't possible to fall in love with three men--I was just going to count Suave in this because it was easier that way--in a couple weeks' time. Was it?
Obviously it is. What am I going to do?
Sure, they'd told me they wanted to date me. All of them. But that was a lot for a girl to handle. If I was in love with them--my heart thumped hard as though to affirm that I was--that would make it much easier. Still. There were going to be problems. What would my parents say? What happened if I wanted to get married? I still did, even after what happened with Suave the first time. I couldn't marry three men. And what about kids?
Sighing again, I rubbed at my forehead. Right now, I'd give anything to have them walk through that door. It didn't matter what kind of trouble society could make for us. I'd jump into their arms and deal with the consequences later.
"Wearing a hole in the floor isn't going to bring them back any quicker, Girl."
I glanced over at Sanders and nodded. "I know. I can't seem to help it."
He gave me a considering look then gave his own nod. "I suppose I can understand. I don't like waiting around for a mission to be finished either."
"Way more fun to be in all the action," Burke said with a grin. A lock of blond hair fell into his eyes as he looked up.
"How old are you?" I asked.
He shot me a grim look, the smile gone completely. "Twenty-three."
I looked over at Sanders in amazement.
He shrugged. "Finding them younger and younger if you ask me," he replied to my non-verbal question. "Just like your guys. Got two of 'em right out of college. They're good men though. They'll do right by you." He winked before looking back down at his phone, effectively dismissing me.
I huffed out a breath and turned toward Burke who was still staring at me. I hadn't told these guys that Brandon, Suave, and Drew were mine. I hadn't even kissed them goodbye because all these men were in the house, though I was regretting that now. So how did he know that we were...connected?
"What made you want to join the CIA?"
"Getting to know other men, Cat?"
I spun around and leapt as soon as I heard Brandon's deep voice. He caught me with a grunt and I wrapped my legs around his waist. It didn't matter anymore who was watching. "You're back," I breathed into his neck where I'd buried my face. Later I might be embarrassed about the way I was acting, but right now? I was just overwhelmed with relief.