Page 100 of Escape
His head tipped slightly to one side, his eyes roaming over my face in nearly the same way he’d been looking at me before we left his place earlier. “I do. Of course, I do. But I don’t just love you, honey. I’m in love with you.”
I nodded slowly, hoping to communicate my understanding. My eyes began to dry out, because I refused to blink. I was worried I’d blink, wake up, and be utterly devastated to learn I’d made it all up.
Apparently, my silence led to Huck feeling a bit of panic. His arm tightened around me, and he called gently, “Josie?”
“Are you freaking out? Did I just reveal too much too soon?”
It was one of the few times I’d heard uncertainty and worry in Huck’s tone. The sound of his fear was enough to have me reacting.
I swallowed hard, shook my head slightly, and replied, “I’m not freaking out, Huck. Or, well, not in a bad way. The thing is… well, I’ve fallen in love with you, too.”
Huck’s solid body suddenly felt like he was flexing every muscle he possessed. “Are you serious?”
I smiled at him, feeling the happiest I ever had in my whole life. “Yes. I was going to tell you before we left your place, but I was worried we might not leave if I did. I didn’t think we should miss the wedding.”
Something darkened in his gaze. “Is that so?”
I nodded.
The look in his eyes grew even more intense, holding me as captive as his arm around his waist was. “How do you feel about leaving here early?”
My belly dipped with a twinge of excitement. “They already cut and served the cake,” I reasoned. “We’ve been here for hours, so I don’t think it’s that early.”
Like he’d been waiting for this moment all his life, Huck released his hold on me, took me by the hand, and led me across the room to where Jesse and Sawyer were still dancing with one another.
We said goodbye to them before waving at a few others on our way out the door. And the next thing I knew, Huck and I were in his truck on the way back to his place.
I couldn’t remember a time when I felt so excited.
I was no stranger to nerves.
Over the course of my life, they had become a staple in my day-to-day interactions.
But where I’d experienced nerves in such a negative way before, this was completely different. This was unlike anything I’d ever faced.
The trembling in my belly used to mean danger was on the horizon.
Now, it meant that something magical was happening, something worth looking forward to.
Huck and I were back at his place, and he’d led me up the stairs to his bedroom. After having kissed me repeatedly from the second he opened my door on the truck until we made it here, it was safe to say we were both ready for more.
Just moments ago, Huck had spun me around in his arms and stepped close as he pressed the front of his body against the back of mine. As one hand slid around my waist and settled itself low on my abdomen, he gathered my hair in his other hand, shifted it off to one side, and dropped his mouth to the exposed skin where my neck met my shoulder.
Instinctively, my head dropped back against his shoulder as I squeezed my thighs together.
This was exactly what I had expected. Huck had barely touched me, and I was already a mess. By the time he had me naked, I didn’t doubt I’d be pleading with him to offer me some relief.
Huck’s mouth traveled up toward my ear, peppering soft kisses along the way. Once there, he nipped at my earlobe with his teeth and sent shivers across my skin.
“Huck,” I rasped.
“Tell me what you want, Josie,” he whispered against my ear. His breath was hot, his voice a deep rumble, and he wrapped his other arm around the front of my body, his hand settling on my opposite shoulder.
Nothing in my life had been better. Nothing would compare to this moment. And since Huck was asking me to tell him what I wanted, I figured it was worth asking for it all.
“To have what you said we were always meant to have, Huck,” I said softly. “I want all of you. And I want you to take all of me.”