Page 111 of Escape
“And is that one of my duffel bags in the other hand?” he questioned me.
Nodding, I confirmed, “Yes. I hope you don’t mind, but I needed a bag to put a change of clothes in. I didn’t want to head to the restaurant wearing my work clothes. Is that okay?”
“Ah, that makes sense. I don’t mind at all. I just hadn’t realized you were taking anything with you. Here, let me carry it out for you.”
Huck took both bags from me and carried them to the truck. A few minutes later, we were on our way.
“Now, you said one of your coworkers is going to take you to the restaurant tonight, right?”
“Yes. Either Kerri or Lori said they’d give me a ride there and back to your place afterward, so you shouldn’t need to worry about coming out to get me.”
Huck reached across the center console for my hand. “I wouldn’t mind if you needed me to, though. If anything changes, you can call me. I have no problem coming out to get you.”
I looked over at him just as he glanced in my direction. We exchanged smiles, and I said, “I know you don’t, and I love you for it. I’m hoping to get myself a car one of these days so you don’t have to keep doing this, though.”
“There’s no rush, honey. I already told you earlier in the week that I have no issues with taking you where you want to go, but I understand you want some freedom and independence. The offer I made earlier in the week still stands. I’ll float you some cash to help you get a car faster.”
He had done that.
But after everything Huck had done for me, I just couldn’t take the money from him. He’d already done more than enough for me, and it would have felt wrong taking his money, too.
Fortunately, if I continued working hard, I knew it would only be a matter of time before I could scrape together a couple thousand dollars and buy myself a car that would get me to and from work and anywhere else I needed to go.
“Again, I know you will, and I appreciate the offer, but you know I just can’t do it,” I returned. “I really want to start standing on my own in some areas, and I think that’ll be one way to do it.”
Huck squeezed my hand in response.
We’d arrived at Betty’s with about five minutes to spare before the start of my shift.
As he always did, Huck got out, rounded the hood of the truck, and opened my door for me. Once I was out of the vehicle, he grabbed the gift and duffle bags from the back seat and handed them off to me.
No sooner did I have them in my hands, Huck slid one arm around my waist and tugged me toward him. With my hands full, my body collided with his, and the next thing I knew, his mouth was on mine.
I kissed Huck back, my body melting against his as he moaned. Both of his hands came up to frame my face, and only after I let out a moan to match his, he separated our mouths. “I’ll miss you today.”
I smiled against his lips. “I miss you every day when I have to work.”
“I do, too. But since I don’t get to pick you up in a few hours when your shift is over, this one is going to be especially difficult. I’m just glad I got a piece of you this morning. I hope that’s going to last me until you get back later.”
Leaning more of my weight into his strong body, I said, “If it doesn’t, I promise I’ll make it up to you when I get there.”
“That’s fair.”
“And let’s be honest, even if it does last you until then, I’m probably still going to want to have some fun with you anyway,” I shared.
Huck’s body shook against mine as he laughed. “And you think this has a chance of becoming boring?”
He had a point. It was unreasonable to believe we’d ever tire of one another. I didn’t know how I could ever grow sick of being treated the way Huck treated me.
I held his gaze a beat, feeling warmth and a wave of appreciation move through me for this man. “I should go.”
He gave me a nod and a peck on the lips. “Okay. Will you do me a favor and let me know once you’re on your way home?”
Though he likely tossed it out there without even realizing what he was saying, every time he said that word to me, I couldn’t miss it.
Huck always referred to his place like it was my home. I realized it was only my temporary residence, but Huck’s house was the first place that ever felt like a real home to me. So even if I knew it wasn’t really mine, I never corrected him whenever he used that word with me. It felt too good.