Page 80 of Escape
He hesitated a moment, his lips twitching. “Well, I mean, it’s not exactly my usual idea of fun, but I was thinking about taking you out shopping.”
My brows pulled together. “Shopping?”
Huck laughed, clearly amused by my surprise and confusion. “You didn’t hear me incorrectly. I was thinking we should go out shopping and see if we can find you a dress for the wedding you agreed to attend with me.”
My belly flipped.
I still hadn’t quite come to grips with the fact Huck wanted to take me to Jesse and Sawyer’s wedding. Granted, he hadn’t left my side in weeks, but this was so unexpected. And considering I hadn’t had the opportunity to get dressed up to go anywhere nice since sometime near the beginning of my relationship with Kurt, it was safe to say I was excited.
“I’d love to go shopping with you. But I get the distinct feeling you’re going to regret it. I suspect I’ll be very indecisive.”
He grinned at me. “Not a chance I’ll regret it. In fact, I’m looking forward to buying you everything you’ll need to get yourself all dolled up for the wedding. Dress, shoes, makeup, perfume. Whatever you want, whatever you need.”
“Wait. What?”
He raised a curious brow. “What are you confused about?
“What do you mean, you’re looking forward to buying it?” I questioned him.
Huck’s features softened, and he placed his hand on top of mine, which was resting beside my plate on the table. He rubbed his fingers back and forth across the back of my hand and said, “You’re not working right now, and I know things are tight for you. But regardless of that, I want to do this. I invited you to be my guest, Josie. I want to be the reason you look and feel good for one night.”
This man was impossibly wonderful. “Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Huck, but you’re the reason I feel good most days and nights now. A dress and shoes aren’t going to change that.”
“That’s not bad news, honey. That’s good to hear. So, I guess I’ll say I want to make you feel extra special then, more than usual. Does that work?” he asked.
I couldn’t disappoint him, even if I thought he was doing too much for me. I didn’t have the heart to take away whatever doing this was giving him.
“That works, Huck. I can’t wait to go.”
He rubbed my hand again. “Me, too. Let’s finish breakfast and get out of here.”
I perked up, feeling excited about the day ahead, and finished my breakfast. No matter what happened, there would be no chance of wiping the smile off my face.
“Okay. I’m all done. Where are we going?”
Never in my life had I felt this feeling, the feeling that each day got better and better to the point I thought I would burst from the happiness and excitement I felt.
I felt good.
There was no other way to describe it.
And it was all thanks to one man—Huck Davidson.
Sure, there was the progress I’d been making at my therapy and rehab sessions that couldn’t go unnoticed and that I was largely responsible for achieving all on my own. In fact, I’d gotten word from my doctor I could return to work as long as I did it on a modified workload. But there was so much more than just that.
I had Huck being the guy that he was to make everything good seem great and special. Sometimes, he made me feel like each milestone I hit was a great accomplishment when the reality was that I was just getting myself to a place where I should have been all along, where most people already were.
Huck made it a point to celebrate those achievements, believing it was a necessary step in continuing to provide me with motivation. Even if I’d already told him it wasn’t needed—that the feeling of success alone was enough to drive me forward—he refused to be denied. And since I enjoyed everything that I got to do with him, I didn’t put up a fight.
I loved it.
I loved the way he was only ever interested in the best for me.
And he made it impossible to feel sad or forlorn about anything, not even the places I’d been or the things I’d gone through, without even realizing he was doing it.