Page 105 of Can't Touch This
Normally, I loved shopping for all creatures big and small. I wouldn’t let one little hiccup ruin the evening.
Reaching the large doors of the huge pet warehouse that opened last year, he let me enter before following.
“Wow.” I blinked. “They weren't lying when they said it was giant. This place is freaking massive.” Before us sat a ginormous building with rows and rows of food, bedding, toys, and other animal paraphernalia.
In the distance, fish tanks glowed and beached shipwrecks for beautifying home aquariums gave a sinister forgotten vibe. The rest of the space was painted in bright purples and pinks and greens, each labelling a different zone as reptiles, birds, dogs, rabbits, and cats.
I didn’t approve of animals being sold in pet stores, but I couldn’t judge seeing as I’d bought Visa from one. I’d already been called a hypocrite by Ryder once. It wasn’t on my to do list again.
“This is the shameful creation of mass consumerism.” Ryder headed to the left, beelining for a shopping basket. “Better get indulging.”
I quickly trotted after him. “Eh, I hate to say this but that won’t be big enough.”
His eyes widened. “I thought you said just a few supplies.”
I looked at my feet. Crap, I didn’t want my stupid secret to come out so soon but I guess I had no way around it. I could lie and say everything I was about to buy was for the store with a small mark-up to warrant my time and the convenience of our customers but really, it was beyond that.
He read my reluctance. “Ves?”
I threw my hands up. “Look, I have a problem…okay?”
“Okay…problem. Spit it out.” His gaze warmed. “Do you have a twin you’re keeping a secret? How about a porn stash?”
His joking didn’t put me at ease. It only made nerves have babies which multiplied into more nerves.
Stalking past him, I grabbed a trolley and wheeled it quickly down the first aisle. The minor OCD in me meant I couldn’t just go down one aisle at random. I had to see everything that was on offer because who knew if I wanted to buy it or not?
It would be a lot better for my wallet if I stuck to a shopping list and only went down the aisle required. But I had to have one vice. I didn’t do drugs. Didn’t drink to excess. A little bit of over obsessive-compulsive shopping habits never hurt anyone.
Unless I bankrupt myself.
Ryder chased after me, sticking his hands in his pockets. “So…are you going to tell me what your problem is or do I need to panic?” He scooted in front of me, walking backward to keep eye contact. “Are you a kitten serial killer and here for lime and a kitten size saw?”
My heart lurched at such a barbaric image. “Oh my God, don’t even joke about such things, you monster.”
He laughed. “Relax…after seeing you dealing with animals, you’d sooner turn the saw on yourself than cause any harm to another.”
“Damn right.”
“Okay then, so what’s the big secret?”
I clammed up. He’d call me idiotic. He’d march me to the nearest bank and force me to look at my empty account and admit that I had other priorities than this.
“If you don’t want to spit it out, I’ll try and guess.”
I glanced at him through my curls. “All right, this should be fun.” My attention slipped to a new brand of puppy chow as we strolled down the dog feed aisle. The smell of dried meet and kibble itched my nose.
“What do I get if I guess right?”
“Umm, my respect.”
He laughed. “Do I need your respect for you to sleep with me?”
I cocked my head. “It helps.”
“Okay, well, yay, I’ll earn your respect.” He lowered his jaw, watching me from shadowed eyes. “If I guess, you’ll let me do anything I want tonight.” His eyes held his own secrets. “Deal?”
I scrunched up my nose. “I don’t know. I’m not sure I like the glint in your gaze.”