Page 112 of Can't Touch This
I lowered my voice. “What does that make you?”
“Just as easy?”
“Not easy.” Taking her hand resting in her lap, I kissed her knuckles. “How about hot for me? Just like I’m hot for you.”
“That works.” She added in a husky whisper, “I truly am hot for you, Ry. You do things to me.”
“I’ve done a few things to you but I have plenty more to try out.”
“Promises, promises.” She mimicked me, bringing my hand to her mouth and kissing my knuckles. The sensation of her lips on my skin made me almost jerk her across the gear shift and sink inside her.
“Not just promises. A few dirty things will be done tonight. You have my word.”
“What are we still doing sitting in the car then?” Her hand moved to the door handle. “Let me out and do dirty things to me.”
“Your wish is my command, my sexy little vet.” Letting her go, I opened the car door and leapt out. Slamming it home, I headed to her side and gave her my hand again to balance.
Once she’d unfolded gracefully from the bronze-coloured Mustang, she whispered, “By the way, you’re not easy to predict your next move. I’ve been trying to guess what you’ll do the entire drive here, but I’m stumped.”
“That I am happy about.” I grinned, tucking her palm in the crook of my elbow and escorting her up the steps and through the front door. I didn’t bother locking it. I probably should with the priceless chandeliers and countless workmen tools, but if anyone wanted to rob the place, all they’d have to do is rip off one of the plywood boards haphazardly placed over already broken windows or just pry open some other rickety part of the house.
Locks were useless on this thing.
“Are you going to tell me or do you want me to die of anticipation?”
Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, I corralled her through the foyer, around the pyramid of paint buckets, and over a dust sheet protecting the parquet floors in the lounge. “I don’t want you dying. That would be very inconvenient.”
“Inconvenient for the zoo you collect or the greedy thing in your trousers?”
Inconvenient for my heart.
“Both.” I smirked. “And other reasons that won’t be discussed tonight.”
“Oh, so secretive.” Her teeth glowed in the dimmed lights above. “I’m not a girl who likes secrets—see evidence of spilling mine—so spit it out.”
“Okay, secret number one.” Marching her toward the couch, I pushed her into the soft cushions. “You’re to sit here while I go make us a drink.”
She immediately tried to stand. “Let me help you.”
“No chance. I want you to relax. Tonight, I’m waiting on you for a change.”
“Okay…” She eyed me dubiously as I backstepped from the lounge into the kitchen that was now visible thanks to the dividing wall being removed. Wires still dangled from the ceiling from where we’d cut some of the electrics.
Scar appeared, rousing from his bed beneath the dining room table. He wheezed his way toward Vesper. The poor dog was worse for wear with his war wounds and laboured breathing but he had a death grip on life and hadn’t kicked the bucket yet.
I still managed his pain every day, doing everything I could to grant him happiness.
The moment she saw him, Vesper slid off the couch and kneeled on the floor. The ex-fighter immediately clambered onto her lap, licking her chin.
My heart melted at the scene.
Goddammit, this woman just got to me. She did things to my body, my soul, my mind. Having her sitting on my furniture, drinking my alcohol, eating my food, and hugging my pets…it just made me want it forever.
I wanted to provide for her.
I wanted to care for her like she cared for so many others.
Clearing my throat, I turned away. And to stop myself declaring all sorts of stupid things, locking the doors so she couldn’t leave, and getting on my knee to ask her a question far, far too soon to ask, I left drink arranging for the moment and headed back out to the car.