Page 138 of Can't Touch This
I didn’t feel any relief. “And you’ll be nice to her friend, Polly. Right? You mess that up and I’m single again for sure. Vesper is very loyal to her.”
“Loyal, huh? Is that a good quality in a woman?” Rupe rested both elbows on the bench, blinking dramatically as if I was Buddha with the gospel of life.
“Loyalty is paramount. Just like laughing together, hot as hell sex, and mountains of trust.”
“Spoken like a true besotted ball-less lover boy.”
The doorbell went.
Scar barked and Hippo’s bell tinkled from somewhere in the house as she raced to the door. She had a fascination of greeting new guests before I could get there.
Rupert chuckled. “Let’s get this show on the road, little bro.” Scooping up the platter of beef sausages and chicken wings, he headed outside to the deck off the dining room that’d been replaced last week. Instead of a shambling rotten monstrosity, there was now raised seating, a cushion pit for lounging, and a BBQ area complete with a brand-new, stainless-steel man cooker ready to be christened.
The fact that I was about to spend the day with my brother and woman was the best bloody gift ever. Even if I was a little nervous from Vesper’s tone last night.
Something had happened with Polly and a bad date.
I just hoped it didn’t cool things between Ves and me because of some misplaced guilt or belief that what we had was too good to be true. What we had was too good to be true, but it didn’t mean she should fear it and run for the hills.
Christ, if she dumped me…I’d embarrass myself a hell of a lot trying to get her back.
Racing to let the two vets in, I grinned as I opened the door and Hippo raced out, chuffing in welcome.
Polly immediately took a step back, her eyes latching onto the pigmy pig. “Oh my God, you were telling the truth.”
“Told ya.” Vesper grinned. “Isn’t she cute?”
“It’s so small. It’s an embarrassment to pigs.” Polly smirked. “Are you sure it’s related to the suidae family?”
“The what family?” I asked, holding the door.
“Suidae.” Polly rolled her eyes at Vesper. “I thought you said he was intelligent.”
Vesper laughed. “Oh, did I? I thought I said he had a very large cock not a very large IQ.”
I pursed my lips to prevent from laughing. “Standing right here, ladies.”
“Well, Mr. Standing Right There. Pigs are suids. Also known as even-toed ungulates. It’s your new word of the day.” Pointing at my piglet, Polly added, “That is a suid.”
“Wrong.” I crossed my arms, enjoying the banter far too much. “That is a Hippo.”
Vesper giggled. “She’s called Hippo. She isn’t a hippo. Those grow in Africa not Australia.” Moving toward me, she smirked. “Do you need a geography lesson, Mr. Carson? I’ll gladly lend a hand.”
My mind immediately shot to a filthy delicious gutter full of hands-on cocks and mouths on pussies. “You know what? I do feel extremely dumb all of a sudden.”
Polly smiled at us, drinking in the way my body curved toward Vesper and hers into me. It’d happened without even noticing—the need to touch my woman too strong to ignore.
“If any teaching is to happen, ensure I’m not present.” Pushing past her friend, Polly added, “And she could be part hippo. She looks vicious.”
Vesper was nudged closer as Polly deliberately put her in grabbing distance. My arms lashed out and squeezed her, dragging her close. “Hello, woman.”
Instead of melting and moving like liquid back into the puddle where she belonged, Ves fought my hug, looking uncomfortably at Polly.
I glanced between them.
Aw shit, did the best friend tell her to dump me? Is that it? That I wasn’t good enough? That it was time to end it?