Page 152 of Can't Touch This
“I’m seven. The puppy was my birthday present for yesterday.”
“Oh wow, buddy. That’s awesome.” Ignoring the mother entirely, I sank to my haunches by the little guy. “And do you know your address?”
He beamed. “Yep. It’s 115 Fairview Crescent.”
I recognised that neighbourhood. It was twenty minutes away from where I used to live while at school. Seemed Michelle hadn’t moved far from her parents, just like me. It was a nice area. Dogs to play with; kids to chase. As much as I disliked Michelle, I couldn’t begrudge the two Chiweenies finding happiness.
Life was too short.
So why the hell was I holding onto teenage angst when it was so long ago?
Who the fuck cared what she did when we were kids. I hadn’t thought about her in years. She meant absolutely nothing to me. The anger I felt was residual hurt from ego, nothing more.
I’ve been an idiot.
I was too old for this crap. And too in love with my perfect other to give a toss about incidents that meant nothing.
Chuckling under my breath, I took a deep, cleansing breath—surprising myself at how easy it was to let go of the past, the lies, and the way Michelle treated me.
It was so damn trivial now.
In fact, it was almost funny.
I had nothing left but love for the dogs and hope that they were going to a good home. “Nate, I’m going to come visit you next weekend, okay? I’m going to make sure you know how to look after Corn and Chip here. If they’re not walked every day and fed yummy, healthy food with an occasional treat and lots of cuddles, I’m going to have to take them off you. Do you understand?”
Nate’s eyes welled with tears. “But why? I love them already. Please don’t take them away.”
“They’re dependent on you. If you don’t pick up after them or keep them entertained, then their quality of life is like you being locked in a room with no PlayStation, dinner, hugs, or a toilet. Get it? Having dogs isn’t all fun and games. They’re hard work. It’s a commitment for life.”
He nodded solemnly. “I understand. I promise I’ll pick up their poopies and give them walkies all the time.”
“Good lad.” Standing straight, I faced his mother. The hate and residual pain from our past vanished, leaving me free and desperate to find Vesper. I wanted to kiss her and sink inside her and finish what we started.
I want to tell her I love her.
“Michelle, thanks for coming down. If you do right by those little dogs, then you’ve redeemed yourself and I’m grateful.”
She scowled. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means whatever stunt you hoped to pull here, it hasn’t worked. I forgive you. There, I said it. I truly do. We were just kids. I hope you have a wonderful life.”
“But Ryder—”
“I’ll pop around about one p.m. next Sunday to make sure the Chiweenies are happy. Their preferred vet is Vesper Fairfax from Tales of Tails.” Not giving her a chance to ruin my afternoon anymore, I took off running.
To chase my woman.
To tell her just how much I fucking loved her.
How much I wanted her.
How much I bloody needed her forever and always.