Page 160 of Can't Touch This
Dramatic, sure. The truth, absolutely.
However, our perfect world shattered on Friday when Scar decided he’d held on long enough and was happy to go to his next adventure. Ves and I were on the floor, taking turns cuddling him while watching TV. We’d shared pieces of salami from our pauper’s dinner of sliced meat and cheese and at one point he raised his head, licked my hand, then Vesper’s, and heaved the deepest sigh I’d ever heard.
Looking at each other, we linked our hands on his head, holding back our tears as the muscular killing machine traded his scarred body for a celestial one and left us.
We’d sat with his cooling mortal form all night.
I wished we could’ve given him longer.
I cursed all those who hurt animals when every creature, big and small, deserved such love and happiness.
At least he wasn’t in pain now.
He was free.
Hippo kept vigil with us and we let him know we’d miss him and would honour him always. At dawn, we took him to the meadow by the river and buried him beneath a weeping willow where he’d forever be free and happy, protected on my land.
When Sunday rolled around, Vesper went with me to visit Michelle, Nate, and the Chiweenies. We were both on edge but not because of the lies or attempt at breaking us up by Michelle but because we missed Corn and Chip. The grief of Scar’s death hadn’t left us but some happiness was given when we found how happy our other two rescues were.
The two dogs sprawled in a kiddie paddling pool with Nate throwing tennis balls, yapping and playing fetch in the sun. In the lounge sat matching name bowls and colourful leads, and I knew they’d found their forever home.
And when Michelle cornered me on our way out and actually apologised for what she’d done then physically hugged Vesper with an apology, I left wishing her well and hoping she either found a perfect man or could patch up with the guy who was Nate’s true father.
When we got back that night, Rupert brought up the one subject I’d been trying to avoid.
Vesper and her irresponsibility with money.
I’d confided in him about her generosity having an adverse reaction on her life and he listened like a big brother but consoled like a lawyer. He’d told me that the only way to stop her being too generous was to take over.
I didn’t know what he meant by that, and I wasn’t about to take charge of her finances like some dictator, but after a few more beers, and a couple more heart to hearts before he had to leave, I confessed just how much I fucking loved this girl. He told me that by taking control, he meant marrying her.
If I had my ring on her finger, then I was fully within my rights as her husband to keep her housed, fed, and clothed just like I kept so many other worthy creatures.
Not that she was a creature.
Hell no, she was my queen.
But at least if I put a ring on her finger, she could use the profits from her business and give back to everything she loved. With no guilt. No hardship. And a hell of a lot of pride from me.
Not to mention, I would donate heavily to whatever charities that struck her heart.
In return, I would hopefully gain a wife and that was bloody priceless.
I thought it was the best goddamn idea anyone ever had.
It just left asking the terrifying question.
Vesper – Epilogue
He’d brought in a Dorgi for a check-up yesterday morning and apart from a few distracted text messages, he hadn’t been in touch.
If I was honest, his silence was starting to freak me out. We never went a night without talking or some serious sexting.