Page 70 of Can't Touch This
“First, they’re called Chihuahuas—or some are at least—and yes, I currently have seventeen looking for new homes.” I laughed. “Hey, maybe you’ll fall in love and take one with you in your suitcase next time you fly away.”
He snorted. “Good luck with that.”
My phone buzzed against my face and I yanked it away far too fast for suaveness. Just as I hoped, Vesper had messaged me.
The first few lines of her message showed up:
Vesper: I think we have a problem…
Holy fuck, she hated the fact that I’d mentioned us having sex with others listening.
She’s not into voyeurism.
I was an asshole.
I’d ruined it.
Shit, shit, shit.
Fisting my phone, I said, “Look, Rupe, I gotta go.”
“Lady lump troubles?”
“She’s not a lump but yes, issues.”
“Tell her to suck it.”
“I told her that already.”
“Oh, you saucy boy.” He laughed. “Fine, cut me off for some broad. I know where your loyalties lie. Don’t forget to welcome me graciously into your house in two weeks. I expect a bed and sheets at least even in that building site you call home.”
“Done and done.” My finger poised over the disconnect button. But before I could sever the call, Rupert added, “Oh, and talking about falling in love with one of your rescue charities…I think the only one in danger of doing that is you. Keep your heart zipped and your pants open, little brother. Women be foxes and I don’t want you to be the chicken.”
He hung up.
I had no idea what that meant but I didn’t care.
My fingers shook as I clicked into my messages and opened Vesper’s.
Vesper: I think we have a problem. First you flash my neighbour with your man meat and then you want dirty builders to hear my orgasm. Are you an exhibitionist, Mr. Carson?
My lips twitched. My fingers flew.
Me: I seem to remember last night slightly differently but I’m happy to be whatever you want me to be, Ms. Fairfax.
Vesper: Oh, what a relief. Here I thought you only wanted me for the brownie points you’d get by making me come for an audience.
Me: I wouldn’t earn brownie points, they’re scout points (I think), and I would never dream of parading your pleasure around for others to enjoy…unless you asked me to.
Vesper: You make it sound so appealing.
Me: All you have to do is say the magic words.
The flurry of messages paused for a moment, and I panicked. Instead of waiting for her to reply, I pressed call.
She took a few rings to answer. My heart pounded by the time her sexy murmur came on the line. “Wanted to hear my voice, huh?”
“You mean your insanely sexy voice?” I smiled. “Always.”