Page 114 of The Murder Club
Tilting her head to an awkward angle, she watched the shadowed form walk toward her with a silent purpose.
Chapter 24
Struggling against the urge to panic, Bailey folded her legs under her and used her shoulders to press herself into a seated position. She didn’t know what was about to happen, but she wasn’t going to remain sprawled on the filthy floor. She was going to face her enemy on her knees at least.
Plus, her efforts to escape the cuffs had rubbed the flesh from her inner wrists, coating her skin with blood. Painful, but it added a slick coating to her skin that would make it easier to slip her hands out. If she managed to get free, she fully intended to jump to her feet and fight for her survival.
As her eyes slowly focused, she realized there was yet another reason to nurture a ray of hope. The door Eric had closed and she assumed was locked was now wide open. As if daring her to try to escape.
Reluctantly, she concentrated her attention on the man who’d moved to stand directly in front of her.
For a second she was confused. She didn’t recognize the stranger in the baseball cap that was pulled low on his head. He was wearing a plain sweatshirt and jeans that would allow him to fade into any local background. Not until a smug smile curved his lips did realization smack into her with enough force to smash the air from her lungs.
No. It wasn’t a stranger. The dark curls were hidden beneath the cap and he’d replaced his bohemian style with a good ol’ boy vibe, but the piercing green eyes remained the same.
“Thorpe.” His name came out as a croak.
“Bailey.” He studied her like a specimen beneath a microscope. “Did Eric hurt you?”
Her gaze darted toward Eric, who was crumpled in an awkward position near the doorway. Even at a distance she could see the blood that dripped from a cut on his temple. He’d obviously been struck by something and knocked unconscious. She was going to assume it was the steel pipe that was lying next to his motionless body.
“Yes, he kidnapped me and forced me in here. We need to call the police.”
“Call the cops?” He clicked his tongue. “When I went to such trouble to get you here?”
“You . . .” She licked her dry lips. They were so stiff it was hard to form the words. “You helped Eric kidnap me?”
He shrugged. “Thankfully, you made it an easy chore by showing up here tonight. I was worried that Eric would have to grab you somewhere else and bring you to this special room. That might have been too much for him.” Turning his head, Thorpe glanced disdainfully at the unconscious man. “He’s not the most dependable tool to use, but beggars can’t be choosers and I was busy tying up loose ends.”
She blinked, recalling Eric’s claim that he’d gotten a call to tell him she was at the nursing home. It had to have been from Thorpe.
So did that mean he was also the one who’d killed Nellie and the others? And what about Dom?
Terror blasted through her. A dark, ugly fear that pressed against her like a weight. Suddenly her heart wasn’t racing; it was starting and stopping as if it couldn’t find the right beat. And her lungs were so tight she couldn’t draw in a full breath.
“You were driving the silver BMW.”
He nodded. “I knew we were reaching the end of the game when Eric confessed he’d told you that he’d been stealing from the old folks.” He didn’t sound disappointed. “I spent a couple of hours preparing my surprise for you and then drove around Pike before I finally saw you headed to the nursing home. I knew you would recognize the license plate and follow me.” He wrinkled his nose. “I didn’t expect you to get out, but I’m nothing if not adaptable. I led your boyfriend away while I called Eric and prompted him to bring you to this place.” His expression was taunting. “It all worked out exactly as I wanted.”
She struggled to breathe. “Where’s Dom?”
“There’s no need to worry,” he drawled. “He’s waiting for you at Kaden’s house.”
Bailey didn’t believe him, but she sensed he wasn’t going to tell her the truth. All she could do was hope and pray that Dom was okay.
“I don’t understand why you’re doing this.”
“I know.” With a click of his tongue, he reached down to touch her cheek with the tips of his fingers. “I’ll admit you’ve been a huge disappointment. You had such promise in the beginning.”
Bailey jerked away from his touch, as if she’d been scalded. In truth, it was like being contaminated with evil.
“The beginning of what?” she demanded.
“Of the Murder Club, of course.”
The Murder Club. Regret sliced through her. Every bad thing in her life had started from the moment she’d joined that stupid group.
“You . . .” She was forced to stop to clear the lump from her throat. “You know about the club?”