Page 26 of Not So Casual
Striding into my closet, I slide hanger after hanger, debating on what to wear. Needing to make sure I wow him; I grab my tightest black jeans. The ones that hug my ass just right, and then I grab an emerald green sweater.
Walking over to my dresser, I pull open the drawer, rummaging through the different pairs of underwear I have. Picking up a pink jockstrap, I smile, knowing Alexander would love this. I quickly get dressed, then take a look at myself in my full-length mirror.
Fuck. I look good.
Soft knocks rap on my front door and my excitement sparks. Hurrying to the door, I pull it open and come face to face with Alexander.
Licking his lips, he devours me with his eyes, before rasping out, “Damn.”
The door swings open and my eyes greedily take in Elias standing before me. He’s wearing these amazing jeans that show off the bulge wanting to break free, and a green sweater that makes his eyes pop.
Elias preens, a bright grin taking over his face.
He’s so damn gorgeous.
“Thanks.” He wipes his hand down his sweater as though he’s trying to get rid of wrinkles. But it’s perfect.
He’s perfect.
Stepping forward, I place a gentle kiss on his cheek, loving when I see a soft blush raise up his neck to his face. I'll never get over the effect I have on him.
“You ready to go?”
I watch as he steps back inside and grabs a few things off the table next to the door. After stuffing them into his tight pockets, he walks out, closing and locking the door behind him.
“I thought we could do Italian tonight.”
“Ooo, you know I’m a sucker for Italian.”
Laughing, I shake my head, pushing him forward, my hand on his lower back. “You’re a sucker for all food.”
“Ugh. I know.” He groans, tossing his head back dramatically. “It’s just soooo good. And I don’t even have a favorite. All types of food are good.”
I lead him out of his building, and we walk toward my car that’s waiting by the curb. Reaching around him, I open his door and help him inside. I quickly close the door and round the front of the car, before making my way into the driver’s seat.
“You’re really going to drive us? It’s going to take us twice as long to get there.”
“You don’t even know where we’re going.” Putting the car into drive, I start making my way down the street.
“It doesn’t matter where. I just know it’ll take forever.”
“Maybe. But that just gives us more time to talk.”
“Okay.” Turning in his seat, he faces me and smiles. “So, what should we talk about?”
“Food?” I glance at him out of my peripheral before focusing back on the road.
“While usually, I would love to talk about food, maybe something else.”
“Okay then,” I concede. “What do you want to talk about?”