Page 106 of Agony
“In the basement of the guy’s fortress.”
“We’ll get Tanis and make him open it.”
“That’s the thing, my man was getting close to a guy by the name of Blue. Blue told him that Tanis has measures in place.
“How so?”
“If Tanis puts in the wrong code in that door, the thing is set to blow and kill everyone including any kids down there and my team.”
“Blue is dead,” Dave murmured.
“I know. The only other way we have into that bunker is through Fisher,” Will said.
“I’ll bring Fisher in,” he said and glanced at Stone.
“That’s the thing. My men took Fisher and Justice, plus a member of Genesis.”
“What the fuck?” Stone growled and Dave held up a hand.
“You should have come to me first.” He locked his eyes with Will’s.
“I was told to keep you out of it as much as possible. You’re set to retire from the teams and POTUS doesn’t want that affected.”
“Where is Fisher?” Dave clenched his jaw.
“I’ll send you the address.”
“Who’s your man?”
Irritation flooded Dave. Damn it, what the hell had Will been thinking? His men had almost ended Crow on the streets of Los Angeles.
Listen…” Will said. “If I had a choice, I would have brought you in at the very beginning, you know that.”
He did know that. Will was a straight shooter and, although fifteen years his junior, he had known the man for years.
“Next time he tells you to keep me out, give me a call,” Dave told the SecDef.
“Yeah,” Will smirked. “I’ll think about it.”
With that, Dave ended the call and turned to hold Stone’s gaze.
“I have an address. I need you to go get Fisher, Justice, and I suspect, Steel.”
Stone stood, holding his mug of half-finished coffee.
“I’m tired.”
Stone stepped closer and carded his fingers through his hair and Dave closed his eyes.
“I know,” the man murmured, his voice low, deep, and soothing.
“You need to figure out a plan to get Tanis to open that bunker. Otherwise, a lot of people are going to get hurt or worse.”