Page 112 of Agony
Azrael was adamant that Real not be told of his involvement and because the youth was legally an adult, they left that up to Stone to handle.
As was his way, Stone didn’t let in on his thoughts. However, the man pulled one of the thinnest bulletproof vests ever made over Azrael’s head. The vest resembled a casual t-shirt and Stone tucked the boy into a dark pullover to cover it all up.
“Be smart,” Stone told the Azrael. “Keep your mouth shut and play along.”
“And then I can shoot him?” Azrael asked.
“Get him to open that bunker door and you can shoot him twice,” Stone promised, and the men standing around smiled when Azrael did a fist pump.
Fisher drew Azrael aside just before they loaded up.
He looked into the boy’s bright eyes.
“You need to be prepared. Tanis is worse than Solomon…so he might…reach for you,” he said, placing his hands on Azrael’s shoulders.
A hardened look that shouldn’t have been there filled the eighteen-year-old’s face.
“I know and I can take it. I’ll wait until we get in the bunker and then I’ll end him.”
The words sounded so much like someone else that Fisher had to smirk.
“You’ve been listening to Real.”
Azrael flashed him a cute smile and blushed. “All the time.”
“If anything goes sideways, you stay behind me and you get down. You hear me?” Fisher said and waited for the boy to nod before he released his grip.
Now, faced with the rolling iron gates of Tanis’ estate, Fisher wondered if he’d made the right decision bringing Azrael along.
Fisher moved his hands within the confines of the zip ties that Crow had placed on both him and Azrael. This way, Crow said it put their hands in front, and hopefully nobody would change it.
Floodlights illuminated the gated area, guard shack, and the front of the building that served as a home and facility. Tanis had moved up since the last place Fisher had seen the man live in. It didn’t matter how much money the dick had, he wouldn’t be around much longer to spend it.
Crow eased through the gates and drove down the long driveway.
Several armed guards didn’t step into the light, but Fisher knew they were there. The gleam of weapons here and there signaled that Tanis wasn’t taking any chances with his fortress.
Crow parked and shut off the engine.
“Here we go,” the soldier said when three hulking guards stepped up to the vehicle.
There was no going back now.
Breaching the place took some planning and they gathered several blocks from the place.
The Erebus assassins on site were Stone, Steel, Savage, Thane, Rogue, Wrath, Echo, and Ice. Plus two new people he didn’t know, but Savage introduced them as Bones and Falcon.
When Real showed up, everyone was careful to keep Azrael’s involvement quiet. That had been Stone’s call and he told them all that he would handle the repercussions.
Real brought with him Memphis, plus two men the man introduced as Gray and Dallas.
Steel gave Justice a salute and walked over to his team. Since Crow was entering the house with Fisher and Azrael, another man Justice didn’t know was handing out orders. He’d heard that Viper had returned to Washington on business.
Calling for Axel, Justice headed toward the group crowded around Savage along with the rest of Erebus. The dog sat at his feet, alert, eyes locked on him.
As expected, they were given minimal instructions—Savage wasn’t one for long drawn-out plans.