Page 32 of Agony
“Yes.” Justice nodded.
Only he had no clue how to fucking fix this. The note Rogue had left on his kitchen table three weeks ago told him that he may never be able to correct the mistake he’d made with Fisher.
Watch your back.
Not only had he betrayed Fisher, although for a good reason, he’d also pissed off the man’s friend.
All he wanted to do was to repair what he’d done. But how could he right his wrong when Fisher didn’t want to be in the same vicinity as him?
How could he make right something that was fucked up beyond imagination?
Fisher would kill him the next time they met. Of that, Justice had no doubts.
“You won’t even get close to him,” Owen said with a sneer.
“I have before.”
“He will kill you for what you’ve done,” Creed growled.
“I know.”
Silence dropped over the room and both Owen and Creed glared at him for a long time.
“So that’s settled,” Savage said and snapped his gaze between Justice and Wrath. “Justice will find Fisher. Wrath, I need you to locate Rogue and get a commitment from him.”
“What kind of commitment?” Wrath frowned.
“He’s either part of Erebus or he’s out. I need an answer so I can wrap this shit up and start handing out jobs to him.”
“I make no promises,” Wrath said and there was another brief stare-down between Savage and Wrath.
“And you two.” Savage snapped his gaze to Owen and Creed “You’re here only as a courtesy to Seven and Hunter. I know Fisher is your friend, but Owen, I need you to rein in your anger.”
“I think he’s been relatively calm,” Creed chimed in and cracked his knuckles.
Justice was glad Creed hadn’t taken a swing at him. He’d be sporting a broken jaw if those ham-sized fists had connected.
“I can help him find Fisher,” Owen insisted with a cold stare.
“No.” Savage shook his head. “Stay out of Erebus business. You’ve got your own shit to deal with at Pegasus. Don’t make me contact Ace.”
The threat of calling the Pegasus commander was a very real threat. Nobody wanted to fuck with Ace and if they did, they didn’t live to talk about it.
“Owen, if you could tell me about Fisher’s past, it would help,” Justice said.
“Fuck you,” Owen spat, shooting him a cold glare. “It’s a little late for that. You want to know about Fisher’s past? Ask him your fucking self.”
“Enough,” Savage snapped when Owen took a breath as if to continue with his tirade.
Justice rubbed at the headache that had been pounding behind his temples for days.
The last time he’d been with Fisher, it had gone from heaven to hell. How had something he’d carefully planned out gone so horribly wrong?
“What are your thoughts?” Savage turned to Real.