Page 56 of Agony
The vision of Mouse’s crumpled body swam up.
“I can fuckin’ try,” Fisher mumbled and chugged more of the beer.
Now that he knew Tanis wasn’t dead, his plan to kill Blue changed. He began to create a cold methodical plan to follow Blue until he led him to Tanis.
He would kill Tanis after he peeled the skin from the fucker’s flesh.
What he needed to do right then was talk to Rogue.
Kit snorted at him and Fisher glanced over at his friend. The man was a stark reminder of what waited for him if he didn’t get his shit together.
And he would.
Eventually, he would.
Fisher waved a declining hand when the weed was passed his way again and leaned closer to whisper to Kit.
“Have you seen Beck? Is anyone other than Boston here right now?”
“Not right now, but Mouse and Beck usually show up around the weekend.”
Fisher swallowed, Beck would show up alone if at all. He would bet money Tanis was back running them.
Both Mouse and Beck had been boys of Tanis. Each had been shipped to Solomon to work off the books and like him, they’d been denied full pay.
Something kept bugging him about the whole thing and Justice’s face kept flickering through his dazed mind before flashing back to Tanis.
Was Tanis now dabbling in the assassin side of things? If so, the fucker would need more help than just Blue to do the job.
“You seen Blue?”
“Once a few months back. He was with Crow,” Kit said.
Crow and Blue were Tanis’ right-hand men and the three of them might be able to pull off taking over where Solomon had left off.
“Stay and hang out until they show up,” Kit suggested after a minute and puffed on the joint.
Fisher gulped half the can of beer and then wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand.
Yeah, maybe he would stay. Alcohol wasn’t doing the job, so maybe something stronger would work and then he’d look for Beck.
Several hours later, he was flying high on weed and beer and most of the people had gone from the small house.
Kit was crashed out on the couch, so Fisher stumbled his way down the hall and into the back bedroom.
Three half-dressed men were on the bed and Boston was sleeping curled up in the corner on the floor.
“Fuckers.” Fisher didn’t even think twice, he walked over to the bed and kicked the first guy in the head. The man rolled off the bed with a yell. The next one, Fisher kicked in the junk and the guy howled, waking up the third one.
“What the fuck, man!”
“You fucking asshole!”
The yelling came loudly from all the men except the one still holding his balls and rolling around.
Fisher pulled his weapon and pointed it at the loudest one.
“Get the fuck out.”