Page 95 of Agony
“What do you need from me?”
“Honestly? I don’t know. I have the former SecDef’s assassin team after me and Genesis will probably be barking up my ass here soon. Why don’t you call Dave?”
“That’s not a good idea.”
“I don’t understand why the President didn’t take this to Dave in the first place,” Crow said.
“Dave wants to retire.”
“I thought he was retired.”
“Not from the specialty teams.”
Crow tiredly leaned his head against the wall behind him, and sweat dripped from his soaked hair. His calf was throbbing.
“See what you can do and I’ll run some things past POTUS,” his boss said into the silence.
“Okay, I’ll check in tomorrow.”
Ending the call, Crow left his hiding place, got into his car, and drove to his temporary home in Ventura. He had shit there to take care of the bullet wound.
Going to a hospital was not an option for him.
Two days later
“Can we talk?”
Fisher turned at the sound of Echo’s voice and found the man standing at the bottom of Dave’s staircase. He hadn’t even known that Echo was in the house.
“Sure,” Fisher said, coming down the stairs after freshening up. He’d stayed a couple of days at Dave’s because Boston had begged him to. Plus, he’d hoped that Justice would come back, but so far, the assassin had been MIA—and was not even answering his calls.
“Not here though, let’s go get some coffee,” Echo said.
“Okay, but you’re driving.” He smirked and Echo gave a reluctant smile.
Leaving Dave’s estate, Echo drove a few miles down the road and then pulled over.
A few minutes later, Rogue opened the back door and slowly got inside.
“The gangs all here,” Echo said lightly and pulled back onto the road.
“Hey,” Rogue said, touching his shoulder briefly.
“You’re moving slowly,” Fisher said.
“Yeah,” Rogue said but didn’t explain.
It was rare that they all three hung out so he was feeling a bit surreal.
Echo found a popular coffee house and instead of sitting at one of the vacant tables, they returned to the SUV.
Everyone settled back in their seats and Echo turned sideways in the driver’s seat and Fisher did the same. They were skinny enough to do that while Rogue, who was a lot bigger, took up the back seat.
“I have some questions,” Echo said, looking at him.
“Okay.” Fisher took a swallow of his sweet, creamy coffee.
“Why didn’t you talk to Dave about Solomon a long time ago?”