Page 99 of Their Blood Queen
I don’t understand what’s happening.
I’m so confused.
My chest flutters with panic. Hands gently cup my face, and my eyes fling open, only for me to stare at Sabre directly in his incredible eyes that glow with raw power.
My mirrorlike irises reflect back at me in his gaze. I have no doubt now why he has fangs. He’s a type of vampire. Real or not, he will feed on me if I allow it.
But that doesn’t frighten me. For some reason, it feels right, as if I have fractured under the weight of too many souls and he’ll take that burden from me.
“Cain will be angry,” I warn as Sabre’s eyes bore into mine.
“Cain isn’t here,” Sabre repeats over my lips. His gaze drops to my mouth. “Answer the question, Sigil.”
I can feel Cage watching me from the darkness. I somehow find his quiet stalking more unnerving than Sabre’s threatening presence.
But I’m not afraid like I should be.
In fact, I feel safe. Safer than I ever have in my life.
Sabre seems to take my hesitation as a rejection, because he releases me and backs away. He blurs for a moment as if he’s going to vanish.
Buckling over, I cry out as a slice of pain cuts through my chest. “Wait,” I hiss on a pained breath. “Don’t… don’t go. Please.”
Cage is the one who steadies me from behind. He pulls me against his chest as he wraps his hand around my throat. It’s not a restraining gesture, but a claiming one. He palms my skin as his hard erection presses against my back, making a new ache throb between my legs.
They’re not hiding their intentions. They want to comfort me in a very sexual way.
Sabre comes before me again and passes his thumb over my lower lip. My mouth parts for him out of instinct, making him grin and show off those impressive fangs once more. “We won’t leave you, Sigil. But we can’t stay here forever, either. Can you tell us where you are?”
I blink at him as the haze of lust makes it hard to breathe.
Where I am?
He means my body. The one still asleep in my bed.
He wants to know where I am outside of this dream world.
If these figments were real, I might imagine they were monsters and I’d found myself in their trap. It’s certainly not possible that monsters have targeted me to be their mate on Monsters Night.
Is it?
No, I decide. I’m bound by a blood contract, and I’m nowhere near Monster City. Whatever this is, it’s a trick inside my mind.
But I’ve learned how real it can feel, so if I’m going to be subjected to powerful sensations, they might as well be pleasurable ones.
“It doesn’t matter where I am,” I say, earning a scowl from Sabre. But I know my next words will cheer him up. “Take the pain away. Show me what you can do. Comfort me, Sabre.”
Red flashes in his gaze as his disappointment vanishes, just as I predicted. “Hmm, I like my name on your lips,” he teases as his claws glide over my skin again, delicately slicing away fabric as he goes. “I can do so much more than comfort you, my sweet Sigil. My specialty lies in dreams. Would you like to see what I can do?”
I try not to laugh. Does my figment not even know we’re already in a dream?
Cage continues to palm my throat as his cock pulses along my spine. He seems content to spectate whatever game Sabre wants to play while holding me in place.
“Show me,” I taunt.
The second I utter the command, everything goes dark. Stiffening, I am strangely comforted that I still feel Cage behind me and his hand remains secured around my neck.
Maybe this is why he’s holding me—so I don’t run into the dark.