Page 36 of Sinner's Storm
“What kind of business are you in?”
“This and that, but mainly I’m in the hospitality business.”
“That sounds... pleasurable.”
The man smirked, reached for his pint of beer, then leaned closer so only I could hear. “You have no idea.”
Chapter Thirteen
I learned the news broke the moment I woke from surgery.
There was no hiding it now.
Soon, it would be all anyone talked about and only time would tell what the fallout would be. My company was already feeling the ramifications, and while I was confident Calloway Investments would weather this storm, I was more worried about the Soulless Sinners.
I knew the second the news broke about Delany’s father, Montana wouldn’t think twice about distancing himself from me or my company, wanting to protect the others from the coming melee.
For the last twenty-something years, I’d devoted my life to rebuilding my father’s company into the best investment firm in the city and the Soulless Sinners Motorcycle Club was along for the ride, benefiting from the millions my company had made for them. The club did nothing, invested nothing without my okay. They knew I had the Midas touch and used my gift for finding gold in shit to expand and further the reach of the club. Because of me, Montana was able to take the club global, making the Soulless Sinner Motorcycle Club the largest MC in the world. With chapters far and wide, Montana sat back on his throne and reaped the rewards of all my hard work.
Too bad for Montana that he turned his back on me, because he was about to learn a very important business lesson.
Never put all your eggs in the same basket.
“What do you think?” I asked, looking at Malice, who sat in a chair near the window, watching the city below as he munched on an apple.
“Gonna piss him off.”
“Maybe he’ll learn something.”
Malice huffed. “Won’t learn shit.”
“Malice is right, Storm,” Matthew Law admitted, sitting in a chair next to my bed. “You do this and there is no taking it back. You do this and you mark yourself and your family. Montana won’t think twice about using them to get to you. You need to consider that.”
“I have,” I stated. “Like me, he took an oath. A blood oath. Brothers, no matter what. For years, I’ve made that bastard richer than he ever imagined. It’s because of me the club is profitable and don’t even get me started on Stone Corporation or the Stone Charity.”
“I get that,” Law said. “But a hostile takeover. Really? Is this how you want it to go down? Bankrupting the son of a bitch.”
“A little humility never hurt anyone.”
Malice smirked at that.
Law chuckled. “Montana doesn’t know the meaning of meek, Storm. Fucker is going to tear this city apart until he gets his hands on you. All I’m saying is I think you need to really think about this before you do anything. I get he threw you under the bus, but this will only escalate everything, and you know it. Because if you want him to do the right thing, this isn’t the way.”
“You need to find out the why before you do anything,” Malice said, getting to his feet, throwing the apple core into the trash can.
“Why what?”
“Why he’s determined you sign those papers. Thought it odd that he already had them drawn up before you even got the paternity results back. You said it yourself. You got the results minutes before Mercy handed you those papers. That means Montana already knew what the results would be.”
Sitting up in my bed, I winced as pain shot up my right side. “You think he already knew about Delany and Harlow?”
“Makes sense.” My brother shrugged.
Law nodded, adding, “He’s got a point. You are a businessman, Storm. When running a company, who is the one person that is always under the most scrutiny?”
“The money man.”