Page 43 of Sinner's Storm
Unable to speak, Jason slid next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist, and said, “Third door on the right. Marco is with her.”
Dr. Lansing said nothing else when he headed off down the hallway.
I blinked as my eyes focused on Mr. Davenport—or Mercy, as Jason introduced him.
My head was spinning with the revelation of who I was standing before. Never in my life had I ever imagined being in the same room with such men and women.
“Gonna need you to speak, sweetheart.”
“There you are.” Mercy smiled. “We don’t bite.”
“Speak for yourself,” Malice grumbled, walking away.
Largo, Mercy’s wife, rolled her eyes. “Ignore Malice. His bark is much worse than his bite.”
For the next hour or so, everyone milled around talking as if it was nothing new to be hanging around, doing nothing. I still couldn’t believe what was happening. Never in my life did I ever think I’d be in a room with such heavy hitters. From a business perspective, this was every businessman’s dream. But for someone like me, it was clearly too much.
I had nothing in common with these people. I was just the daughter of a decorated firefighter. A single mother who worked part-time as a waitress to put food on the table.
Taking the tumbler Largo gave me, I downed the whole glass before handing it back to her.
“Damn, girl.” The woman grinned. “I’m impressed.”
“I’m a nobody. I shouldn’t be here.”
“Come with me,” Largo whispered, motioning for Linsey to follow.
Back in my bedroom, Linsey closed the door. Largo sat me on my bed, taking a seat next to me as she reached for my hands. “Delany, I know this is a lot. We know all this is overwhelming. Linsey and I have both been there, but I need you to listen to me. You are right where you belong. You are the bravest woman I’ve ever met. Few women would blindly marry a man she barely knows. What you are doing for your daughter and Storm, says so much about you.”
“Largo’s right, Delany.” Linsey smiled, kneeling before me. “It takes tremendous courage to do what you are about to do. Not many women would do it. Just keep trusting Storm. He won’t let anything happen to you or Harlow.”
“That’s just it,” I muttered. “I don’t know what it... is. Jason’s been vague about everything. I know part of it has to do with my father, but as for the specifics, I know nothing.”
“The second you are married to Storm, he will tell you everything you need to know. Until then, you just need to be strong for a little while longer.”
“Why can’t he tell me now?” I asked, looking at Largo.
Largo frowned, looking at Linsey, who sighed. “Delany, you know me, right? I mean, who I am and my story?”
I nodded. “Yes.”
“Okay. What the papers didn’t say, what they left out, was that I was like you. My sister was the head of Duchene International. I was the spare. I was never supposed to run the company. I never wanted to. Like you, I just wanted to live my life, find someone to love, and maybe raise a family. Overnight, my whole life changed. My sister was dead. I had three little girls that needed me, and I became the interim regent for Duchene International. Trust me. My head was swimming. But I wasn’t alone. Vicious helped me through it all. He promised me that everything would be okay, and I believed him. Just like Storm promised you. Believe in him, Delany. These men never make a promise they can’t keep.”
“And we will be with you every step of the way,” Largo added.
Chapter Sixteen
“I’ve called for a board meeting for tonight at eight. Don’t be late,” Mercy announced before taking a drink of his scotch as I nodded.
“That will work,” Fury added. “As soon as we’re done here, I can file the paperwork with city hall. Once that’s done, he won’t be able to challenge it.”
“Bastard is still going to blow a fuse either way, but he won’t be able to do shit about it.” Vicious sighed, shaking his head. “Gotta say, though, when Mercy called and told me who you were marrying, it took everything in me not to take Linsey and the kids and bolt. The thought of being around that shit again worries me. I was there when a lot of that shit went down. When Reaper learns the truth, I don’t envy you, but I’m with you all the same, brother.”