Page 45 of Sinner's Storm
“I can’t ask for a meeting with Fedorov without Montana’s permission. You know that. Besides, Vladmir left shortly after the shit went down with that whole Bratva mess. No one has seen him since.”
“You honestly think Maxim doesn’t know where his second is? Trust me, brother, that Russian bastard knows.” Vicious grinned.
Yeah. Okay. I knew Vicious was right. There wasn’t anything Vladmir did or anywhere he went without Maxim knowing. But Vicious was right about one thing. If I wanted to survive Reaper’s wrath and his blades, I needed to get his wife on my side.
However, none of that would matter until I sealed Delany to me.
Hearing the women walk back into the room, I looked at Delany, who looked scared to death.
Had to admit, I was too.
This was a tricky game of chess I was about to play, and the last time I played the game, I lost.
Kneeling before her as I tightly clasped her arms, I could see the fear in her eyes. “Can’t we give her something for the pain?”
“You know the rules, Storm. She has to be coherent and of sound mind. As soon as it is done, Bane will give her something. She has to do this on her own,” Mercy stated as my brothers stood at my back, watching her.
Tears ran down her face while she tried to breathe, knowing what was coming. I wanted so much to take this away from her. She didn’t ask for any of this. She was just trying to survive it all.
“Jason?” she barely whispered when Malice walked behind her with the red-hot poker.
Grabbing her face, I didn’t think as I murmured, “Look at me, baby. Just me. It’s gonna be over real soon, I promise. Just look at me.”
“I’m scared.”
“I know, and I swear to you that this is the only time. Once it’s done, that’s it.”
Mercy cleared his voice and clearly stated for all to hear, “Delany Campbell, do you accept the brand of a Soulless Sinner?”
She closed her eyes and nodded.
“Need you to say the words, sweetheart,” Mercy spoke softly.
“I accept,” she whispered.
“Do you accept Storm as your man?”
“I accept.”
Delany’s eyes shot to mine. Pure, unadulterated fear screamed at me from behind her beautiful green eyes. Unable to take away her pain, I grabbed her face and kissed her as Malice placed the hot poker against her shoulder. The second I heard her skin sizzle, Delany cried out as I deepened the kiss, trying but failing to take her pain away.
The whole thing lasted mere seconds, and when Malice stepped away, Delany sagged against me and Bane rushed over, administering a sedative to relieve some of the pain.
“You did so good, baby. So fucking good,” I cooed as Bane did his thing, tending to the wound. When he placed a gauze bandage over her wound and stepped aside, I pushed her hair out of her face, kissing her lips once more.
“It’s done. Delany Campbell, welcome to the Soulless Sinners,” Mercy announced as I helped her to her feet.
One after another, my brothers each walked up to my woman and kissed her cheek. Even Largo and Linsey, who had tears in their eyes, as they welcomed Delany into our fucked-up family.
Chapter Seventeen
Twirling the gold band on my finger, I leaned back against the seat and watched the city I loved pass me by. Never in my life did I ever think I would be in this position. For years, I’d devoted my life to the Soulless Sinners, always doing anything that would only benefit the club and my brothers. I followed every rule.
For the first time since I became a branded brother, I was going to walk into that boardroom and not know what the outcome was going to be. While I had some of my brothers on my side, I didn’t have them all. Happy and Shame still didn’t know all the facts.