Page 78 of Sinner's Storm
I still couldn’t believe I was here with Jason. The more I looked around, the more I realized I didn’t belong. I knew no one here, save for those club members and wives who were there when I married Jason. I was so far out of my depth. I knew I’d be drowning if Jason wasn’t with me. Still, that didn’t alleviate any of my worries, because the second my eyes landed on Montana Stone, along with Dr. Tessa Jackson, I wanted to be anywhere but here.
Looking around the room, I spotted Jason and the others at the bar getting something to drink. Largo was talking animatedly with someone I didn’t know.
“Delany.” Dr. Jackson smiled, kissing both my cheeks before I could walk away. “My God, woman, you look stunning.”
I nodded, unable to look away from the glare Montana was giving me. The man hated me. He was crystal clear about how he felt, and the feeling was mutual. Had I known he would be here, I would have flat-out refused to come.
But then again, he would be here, wouldn’t he?
He was the president of the club and a good friend of Jason’s.
“Montana, doesn’t Delany look stunning?” Tessa smiled at the frowning man, who turned his eyes on Tessa, and I watched as his face transformed into blind adoration. Pulling her toward him, he wrapped an arm around her waist and said, “Only have eyes for you, woman.”
“Liar.” Tessa smiled warmly. “Oh, your mother showed. Let me go get her.”
Before he could stop her, Tessa rushed off, leaving me alone with the man I’d hoped to never see, let alone speak to again.
To say that I was uncomfortable was an understatement.
“Mr. Stone.”
He groaned. “Told you to call me Montana.”
“I prefer Mr. Stone. No sense in pretending with me. You don’t have to stay. I know you’d rather be anywhere else.”
Rubbing the back of his neck, Montana looked around the room before taking a step closer. “I don’t know what it is about you, but you really rub me the wrong way.”
“I never did anything to you. I never even met you until the day you took my daughter from me. Instead of being cordial, you treated me like a whore. So, excuse me if I don’t live up to your expectations.”
“Fuck.” He groaned. “Even your words cut. Look, Delany, I want to apologize for everything. We got off to a bad start, and I would like a do-over.”
“A do-over?” I snarked. “Mr. Stone, unlike you, I wasn’t raised with a silver spoon in my mouth, so forgive me if I sound less than civilized. The way you treated me was beneath your station. Instead of seeing past your own inequities, you took advantage of someone who knows nothing of the world you live in. I’m a simple woman, Mr. Stone. A kind gesture goes a long way with me. But you couldn’t even be bothered to give me a chance, condemning me for a past I knew nothing about. While I may be required to be in your presence this evening, I see no reason why we should talk. In fact, I would prefer it if we didn’t.”
Refusing to wait around for the man to respond, I walked off, heading deep into the growing crowd. I wasn’t lying when I told Jason that I didn’t want to be here. My interaction with Montana solidified that. I had no reason whatsoever to be here. Instead of being at home with my daughter, I was in a room with over-privileged, stuck-up, conceited people who never had to scrimp or save for what they had. I didn’t give a shit if this event was for the firefighter community. They had made their decision when they ran my father out of town.
I didn’t need anyone to tell me who my father was.
He was a fucking hero.
My hero.
Everyone else could go fuck themselves.
Looking around the room for Jason, I spotted Mercy talking with Fury over by the bar. Heading in that direction, I walked up to them when I heard Mercy say, “She’s going to fucking lose it when she learns the truth about her dad.”
“Do you think Storm will tell her?”
“If he’s smart, he better keep his damn mouth shut. Bad enough she’s a Golden Legacy, but if she learns Montana’s dad ordered her dad’s death, nothing will stop her from taking the kid and leaving. If that happens, the Golden Skulls won’t think twice before declaring war.”
“So, Storm is just gonna let the world think her dad’s an arsonist?”
“It’s the only way, brother. Club comes first. You know that.”
“That’s bullshit, Mercy, and you know it.”
Stepping back, I slowly shook my head.