Page 98 of Sinner's Storm
“ALICE!” I screamed into the fire as the smell of burning flesh assaulted my nose. Knowing there was nothing I could do, I ran for the kitchen to find it empty.
“Where is she?” Storm shouted as he ran into the kitchen seconds later.
“Where is my wife and kid?” I growled, grabbing him.
“They are safe. They are across the street. The fire department is here. Where is Mrs. Alice?”
“She’s gone,” I muttered, before saying, “We need to find Delany and get the fuck out of here. This place is going to go up like a fucking Roman candle.”
“Why haven’t the sprinklers gone off?”
“I don’t know and don’t care. Let’s just find your woman and get the fuck out of here. Check the pantry. Maybe she got scared. I’ll check the garage,” I ordered, only to stop when my eyes landed on a small pool of blood near the door to the basement.
“Over here!”
“Delany!” my brother shouted, not thinking, as he threw open the door to the basement, running down the stairs. Following, I watched when a man dressed in full fire gear swung a pipe at Storm, knocking him completely out, causing him to land awkwardly on the bottom step.
Seeing the fucker, I jumped the last few steps, tackling the bastard to the ground. Ripping the fucking mask from his face, I sneered, “You motherfucker! You dare try to burn my fucking family!”
Punching the fucker over and over again, I didn’t see when he swung the pipe at my head, knocking me off him. Groaning, I rolled to my side, grabbing my head. I felt the familiar warm ooze of blood coat my hand. Blinking through the pain, I spotted Storm lying motionless on the ground. Slowly turning, I saw the fucker leering at me as he held Delany in front of him, his hand at her throat.
“Not gonna let this bitch tell the world what she knows.”
“She doesn’t know anything, you fucknut.” Grumbling as I got to my feet, my head throbbed painfully, and I felt sick to my stomach. Motherfucker more than likely gave me a fucking concussion. “But thank you for making it easier for me to find you. ‘Cause you are about to fucking burn.”
‘That’s what you think,” the fucker said, grinning as he held out a small black box in his hand. “If I die, so do all of you.”
“It’s thermite,” Delany gasped.
“Bitch knows her incendiaries.” Gale Stevens laughed. “And highly explosive. So back the fuck off!”
“Not going to fucking happen,” I growled, taking a step closer. “You fucking sealed your fate the moment you threatened me and mine, and trust me, fucknut. Delany is mine too.”
“Bitch is a nobody. She’s just the daughter of an arsonist! No one is going to give a fuck if she dies.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” I chuckled, moving closer.
The stupid fuck was really pissing me off. I needed to get Delany away from him and grab the detonator before he blew me and everyone else into smithereens.
“Come any closer and I’ll kill us all!”
“It’s gonna be okay, D. I swear. Just need to take care of this douche canoe first.”
“Yeah, D?”
“Duck,” she screamed as her body went lax, slipping through Gale Stevens’ hands. Following her lead, I dove for her, rolling her away from the danger just as a loud retort echoed around the room. Covering her with my body, I whipped around to find Storm standing firmly, arm raised as a 9mm shell dropped to the floor at his feet.
Leaning forward in a chair next to Delany, neither of us wanted to be sitting in the police department at the ass crack of morning, covered in soot and smelling of smoke.
After Storm fired the shot that killed Gale Stevens, we had just entered the kitchen when firefighters descended on us, pulling us from my house. Once outside, I stared in shock as Stone House was engulfed in flames. The first responders quickly moved us across the street, where Tessa was waiting for us with York and Harlow. Seeing them, I damn near dropped to my knees.
I had never seen a more beautiful sight.
However, my elation was short-lived when an NYPD officer walked over, placing cuffs on Storm, arresting him for murder.