Page 1 of Disturbed Lucidity
Fort Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Kansas... 15yrs ago,
Standing facing the wall, I gazed at the only picture I had in my small eight-by-eight cell while I counted down the minutes.
It wouldn’t be long now.
Soon I would be out of this fucking hell and then the real fun would begin. For twelve years, they’d kept me hidden, locked up in this fucking place to silence me, hoping I wouldn’t make it out alive.
I’ll give them one thing.
They tried mercilessly to ensure I never left. They almost succeeded twice, too. The last endeavor cost me six months on life support and eighteen months in the med-bay. They tried everything but never counted on my desire for revenge.
Revenge was a funny thing. For some, it overwhelmed them to the point of insanity, but for someone like me, revenge was the air I breathed, the blood coursing through my veins, the very thing that kept me alive.
“It’s time, Captain.”
“I know, Ensign.”
“Gonna be different around here without you.”
Reaching for the only thing of value to me, I slid the picture into my breast pocket before walking over to the young man standing outside my cell. “Ensign, you ever need anything. Come find me when your tour is up in this place.”
“I just might do that, Captain,” the young ensign declared before reaching for the metal cuffs, shaking his head. “I really hate doing this, but you know the rules, sir.”
Holding out my hands, I expressed nothing when the young ensign placed the cuffs on my wrists for the last time before he escorted me to out-processing. The entire process took entirely too damn long, but I kept quiet and only answered when asked a direct question.
I served my time and nothing or no one was going to stop me from leaving this place. And when the young ensign escorted me to the gates and removed the metal cuffs, he stepped back, then shocked me as he stood at attention and saluted me.
“It was an honor, sir.”
Saluting him back, I extended my hand, waiting for him to take it. When he did, I reminded him of our conversation earlier that morning before turning and walking out of the gates that had kept me prisoner for the last twelve years to find a few men from my former team waiting for me.
No longer clean-cut men dressed in full military regalia, they looked more like something out of a sinister Mad Max movie.
“Who’s the kid?”
Turning back around, I saw the young ensign watching while I greeted the men of my former team when I clearly stated, “Ensign Sharp.”
“He gonna be a problem?”
Facing Logic, I growled, “No. Where the fuck is everyone else?”
“Frost is picking up Slash and Berlin at the airport. Fuckers finally got their marching orders. They will meet us at the clubhouse in a few days. Agony and Trash are with Saint. They have a surprise for you not far from here. We’re meeting them there before heading back to North Carolina.”
Alias stared me dead in the eyes as Logic answered, “Indigo is hunting.” Nodding, I didn’t need to know any more as I slung my leg over my bike and started the engine.
About an hour later, I pulled up to an abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere, in bumfuck Kansas. I really fucking hated this state and planned on never seeing it again. Stepping off my bike, Logic threw me a pack of cigarettes, and I happily ripped off the cellophane, desperately needing the nicotine rush.
“Where the fuck are we?”
“Nowhere special,” Logic muttered, throwing me a lighter while I placed the cigarette in my mouth. Taking my time, I lit the end and inhaled, knowing that no cigarette afterward would be as sweet as the one I was smoking now. Closing my eyes, I let the burn soak into my lungs and sighed while I slowly blew out the smoke.
“This way, Prez,” Alias said, walking towards the shack.
Following with Logic behind me, I walked in to find Saint leaning back in a chair, sleeping with his feet up against the wall, snoring loudly as Agony and Trash played a game of cards. The second they saw me, Trash pointed to my left, and when I saw what was waiting for me, I grinned.