Page 4 of Her Bossy Lumberjack
“I’m not bossy.”
Hannah makes a noise of disbelief before standing on her tiptoes, scowling hard, and putting on a deep, throaty voice. “Get out of here! You can’t be here! Leave now or get flattened by my falling trees.”
It’s an annoyingly good impression of me.
“I don’t sound like that,” I say.
“You do.”
“Agree to disagree.”
She lets out a huff of frustration, looking adorably pouty as she asks, “Why are you here, anyway?”
“To get a cherry pie.” I lean against the counter. “You gonna serve me or not, Ginger Snap?”
Her eyes are full of fire as she points to her chest. My gaze follows her finger, and I’m so distracted by her plump cleavage that it takes me a second to notice the name badge pinned to her front.
“Hannah, see?” she says. “H-A-N-N-A-H. It’s written on my badge so you can remember it easily.”
With a fierce look, she busies herself with getting my cherry pie, and I take the opportunity to stare at her. She’s still frowning in annoyance, biting on the soft pink flesh of her bottom lip as she boxes up my dessert with more force than necessary. She’s so fucking sexy when she’s all riled up. The counter hides her bottom half, but I can see her soft, rounded tits swelling against her dress, the pale column of her throat begging to be kissed. My cock throbs inside my boxers, already stiffening. I’ve never had this kind of reaction to a woman before. Hell, I’m a solitary guy, and I usually avoid talking to people altogether. But there’s something about Hannah. This pretty young redhead makes my heart race and my skin tighten with longing, but I don’t know what the hell I’m meant to do about it. She’s half my age and thinks I’m a bossy asshole.
“Your pie,” she says, setting it down on the counter in front of me.
I hand her the cash, our skin brushing for a fraction of a second before she pulls away to put it in the till.
“Thanks, Ginger Snap.”
“You just wait.” She crosses her arms as I take the pie. “I’ll figure out an annoying nickname for you too, and I’ll make sure everybody in town knows what it is.”
“Fighting talk.” I stifle a smile as I point at the wall behind her. “Shit, is that a tarantula?”
She whips around with a squeak, and the second she turns her back, I head for the door.
“Oh very funny!” she calls after me, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Ha! Ha!”
“Sorry,” I say over my shoulder. “It was definitely either a tarantula or a squirrel.”
I can’t resist a look back at her before I leave, and I swear a smile flashes across her face, but she quickly hides it when our eyes meet.
“Haven’t you got other strangers to boss around?” she asks.
“No. Only you.”
The words sound more intense than light-hearted, and I swear I see another flicker of a smile on Hannah’s pretty face. It’s nearly impossible to wrench my gaze from her, but I grit my teeth and suck in a breath as I say, “See you tomorrow, Ginger Snap.”
She blinks at me. “Tomorrow?”
“Yep.” I gesture to the box in my hands. “I get through cherry pie real fast. Gonna need a daily top-up from you.”
Hannah sighs dramatically. “Lucky me.”
But I don’t miss the way her green eyes twinkle as she says it.
I turn away from her, heart pounding as I leave the bakery. Electricity is thrumming through my veins, filling me with a restless energy I’ve never felt before. This curvy beauty is shaking my whole world up, and I’m going to find a reason to visit Buttercup Bakery every damn day if it means I get to see her.
Fuck, I must be losing my mind.