Page 57 of Against the Clock
Cameron takes a deep breath, her face more serious than I’ve seen in a while. “I’m going to tell you something, but I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You have my complete attention. And my silence.” I mime zipping my lips, locking them up and throwing away the key.
Cameron doesn’t smile. “My ex-boyfriend plays for the Beavers. And things ended badly between us.”
She silences me with a deadly look. “I don’t want to talk about it, remember? I just… I need you to run interference. Keep dudes away from me.”
“You want me to be the anti-wingwoman. Got it.” I nod.
“I mean it,” Cameron says, and there’s an ache in her voice I haven’t heard before. “Wait, Daniel didn’t ask you to go with him, did he?”
I frown, shaking my head. “No. When is it?”
“It’s in four weeks. If he asks you, you can’t ditch me for him.”
“It’s a month away, Cameron. By then, we could both be dodging exes.” I laugh, but it’s a hollow noise, and it doesn’t feel funny.
The thought of not having Daniel around in four weeks… it stings.
“Mmm,” Cameron says. “Listen.” She shakes a finger at me. “Feel free to let him hang with us at the ball, but don’t you dare leave me alone there for a minute.”
“Is your ex dangerous?” I ask her, confused.
“No.” Her expression turns grim. “But I’m pretty sure he’s still in love with me.”
“And you don’t want to talk about it.”
She nods her head fervently.
“But you want to hear all about my love life,” I continue, crossing my arms.
“I’ll tell you one day. But that day is not today, won’t you look at the time? Lunch break is over!” She opens the door and I follow her into the lobby.
I squint at her retreating back.
Cameron’s fearless, more so than I’ve ever tried to be. If she’s afraid this guy still has feelings for her, and if she wants me to run interference for her… I’m pretty sure that means she might still have feelings for him, too.
The reporter in me wants to dig. As her friend, though, I won’t.
I sigh. Besides, I have enough work to do that doesn’t involve Cameron. For one, I need to follow up on something I found in my notes on one of the Beavers cheerleaders.
After reviewing tape all morning, I’m looking forward to lifting and then meeting with the team doc for another eval. I might love playing the game, but after so many years watching tape the day after, it’s gotten a little stale.
The rest of the offensive line’s with me in the weight room, the Matthews brothers joking and one-upping each other, when a huge dude walks through the door, followed by one of the defensive line coaches.
I keep lifting, finishing out my reps, enjoying the familiar burn in my legs.
“Guys, I’d like you to meet the newest member of the Wilmington Beavers, Rhett Edwards. He’ll be joining us as a linebacker.”
The name makes me look up, taking in the newcomer.
Instead of the usual lukewarm greetings, the good-natured banter of the weight room falls silent.